Friday, September 4, 2020
Lemurs of Madagascar
Lemurs of Madagascar Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Lemurs of Madagascar 1. Madagascar biome is a tropical downpour woodland. The principle normal for a tropical downpour timberland biome is the nearness of Warm temperatures consistently. In a tropical downpour timberland biome, there are three layers. These layers incorporate the top trees, trailed by the shelter layer portrayed by lairs leaves consequently low light entrance and the third layer are the ground layer. The ground layer comes up short on any vegetation inferable from the low measure of daylight arriving at it because of the thick shade layer. 2. Changes occurring in Madagascar present difficulties to lemurs in the island.The fundamental changes that influence the lemurs remember the impacts of rural exercises for the earth. Forestland transformation for farming use including the production of pastureland, cropland, and corruption of the dirt because of fire and clearing by people is the horticultural changes on Madagascar. Soil disintegration brought about by slice and-consume cultivating additionally frames different changes in Madagascar that delivers difficulties to lemurs. As an end, high deforestation rate and expanded human populace and disintegration structure the principle changes that challenge the presence of lemurs in Madagascar. 3.The lemurs that are adjusting great with the adjustments in Madagascar are the ones with the capacity to live in a changed living space. (This is an environment with auxiliary qualities inferable from human exercises in the island). These incorporate the ring-followed lemur lemma catta and sifakas, however between the two, the ring-followed lemma catta is adjusting better to changes in the environment. The fossil lemurs’ vanishing in the island was because of powerlessness to adjust well to the changes. Different sorts of lemurs that have vanished because of progress in the natural surroundings incorporate Palaeopropithecus, Daubentonia robusta, Archaeiin dris fontoynonti and Megaladapis edwardsi. . A generalist social sort is expected of the lemurs in Madagascar to have the option to adapt to the change s in the island for their adjustment and endurance. The species supported in this rule are sifakas and lemur catta, which are adjusting admirably to the changes. Other conduct attributes required incorporate being earthbound for them to adjust well with the progressions as delineated by the lemur catta. Physical qualities that improve adjustment to the progressions incorporate capacity to exploit changes by benefiting from crops, visitor gifts, creepy crawlies, roses, and organic products. . Lemurs probably won't create to adjust to changes in Madagascar since they lived on trees and the deforestation influences their type of job. The decrease in the soil’s capacity to help the vegetation that shapes the primary nourishment for the lemurs is another explanation inferable from the high paces of soil disintegration and corruptio n. Additionally, human activities in the good country influence their capacity to adjust with the progressions subsequently another explanation behind the failure to adjust to changes in the natural surroundings. 6. The water cycle is the biochemical cycle that might be adjusted by exercises in Madagascar.An change on the water cycle takes the accompanying example attributable to the exercises in principally deforestation and soil disintegration and debasement. Cutting of downpour timberlands brings about low dampness transpiration to the environment. The outcome is a decrease in the overcast spread, reduced precipitation, and lead to dry season in the territory. The substitution of the timberlands requires water thus a unimaginable event when there is dry season in the region. Reference â€Å"Lemurs in Madagascar: Surviving on an Island of Change. †Films Media Group, 2006. Movies On Demand.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Analysis of Woman to Man by Judith Wright Essay -- Judith Wright Woman
Examination of Woman to Man by Judith Wrightâ â I was somewhat befuddled when I read this sonnet from the outset, yet it got evident from the rich representations, that it was about the sexual connection between the lady and man. It is likewise about origination - or rather the capability of making a kid from this sexual demonstration - told from the lady's perspective. Judith Wright was exceptionally strong recorded as a hard copy such a sonnet since it was distributed in 1949, when such issues weren't talked about in the general population, yet as a very much respected artist, she had gained notoriety for communicating, and consequently could compose an emotional sonnet about this issue. The fundamental thought of this sonnet, depends on female sexuality and arousing quality, and that sex is representative of life, or passing if pregnancy falls flat. The title appears to mean now, Lady to Man as though the lady is offering herself to the Man, offering her body to make a youngster, through the demonstration of sex. It additionally implies that the lady has something to provide for the man, the delight, yet through blood and torment, a youngster. The language praises the temperament of this sonnet, as it shifts from a dismal and despairing cry, to a voice of expectation, all in a steady certain vibe, and by this, the writer's appearance and contemplation?s are conveyed effectively to us, causing us to feel similarly she has felt. The main refrain starts with a striking and sure passage depicting in a straightforward manner the sexual connection between the man and the lady; or better said; Woman to Man. The 'seed' which the lady holds - has the capability of turning into a kid. The picture of the day of birth as a ?revival day? is significant in this regard for, similarly as the restoration of Christ vanquished demise, so as well, does every person... ... last line - Goodness hold me, for I am apprehensive. This line is entirely fruitful on an emotional level; for here this present reality of energy and agony breaks in. Simultaneously the sonnet in general has proposed that in each sexual demonstration there is the potential for the making of new life which difficulties time and demise. The lady is the pleased at this point frightful instrument of this procedure. The sonnet hasâ aâ musical example that praises the allegories and oddities. The verses start and end, separately, for the first and last lines rhyme, which makes a sentiment of ?wholleness? to every verse, very proper to the demonstration of making or bearing a kid. It resembles a melody, a pentameter that starts strong, however finishes in a tranquil tone, causing its peruser to reflect, about the consummation, yet the whole sonnet as a difficult issue, that sex is, or can be, a sacred demonstration.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Is Jesus Christ God
Is Jesus Christ God Presentation Jesus Christ appeared on the scene 2000 years prior as anticipated by the prophets in this manner satisfying scriptural prediction and He changed the course of mankind's history as far as love. Prior before Jesus Christ appeared on the scene, strict convictions had their premise on Mosaic laws and laws that required thoroughly adherence, however when Jesus Christ came, He put aside difficult Mosaic laws and statutes, and maintained the instructions of God along with the lessons of the prophets.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Is Jesus Christ God? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More When Jesus Christ was conceived, individuals thought He was a natural lord of Jews, yet he in this way surprised numerous for he guaranteed that his realm, which is to come, is a grand one. The lessons of Jesus Christ reformed the scriptural convictions and method of love, consequently the cause of Christianity. Consequently, Jesus Christ’s claims that he is God turned into the premise of Christian life and He has left the congregation with the celestial obligation of lecturing, and winning more believers into His superb realm. Jesus is God Jesus Christ at numerous occurrences professed to be God. During His service on earth, Christ said and did numerous supernatural occurrences that earned him numerous foes who blamed him for sacrilege. In spite of the fact that Jews recognized that Jesus originated from above, they denied the reality He was the Son of God and had the capacity to usurp His forces on earth. Cleric and recorders blamed Jesus Christ on the record that he cursed the name of God for He considered Himself the Son of the living God and professed to be able to pardon sins. While Jesus Christ was lecturing the Jews, He professed to be able to give them endless life since He is unified with God who is the Father yet Jews blamed and needed to batter Him to the point of death. At the point when Jesus asked about His liability, Jews addressed him that, â€Å"†¦for a decent work we stone thee not; yet for sacrilege; and in light of the fact that that thou, taking care of business, makest thyself God†(John 10: 33, King James Version). The cases that He was the Son of God subsequently equivalent to God prompted His torturous killing by the consecrated ministers and Jews. During His crucial lecturing the gospel, Jesus Christ kept on explaining His job and position as a component of the trinity. His marvels and lessons bore witness to that He had extraordinary forces not at all like different prophets who preceded Him. Jesus Christ needed individuals to comprehend his incredible job as God who went to the world down from paradise in type of human tissue so as to recover mankind. Jesus Christ asserted that God cherished the world such a great amount to the degree of giving up His solitary Son to recover mankind. After His crucial earth, Jesus Christ disclosed to His educates that he w as heading off to the Father to set up a spot for them since they had known the way and asserted that, â€Å"†¦I am the way, reality, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, however by me†(John 14:6, King James Version). In this manner, in the event that Jesus Christ is the path to the Father, at that point He is God. Christian Life If an individual decides to turn into a Christian, there is a commitment to follow the strides of Jesus Christ for He said that any individual who professes to cherish Him must convey his own cross and tail Him by complying with His charges and lessons. â€Å"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is another animal: old things are died; observe everything is become new†(II Corinthians 5:17, King James Version).Advertising Looking for research project on religion philosophy? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Being a Christian issues a great deal on the sort of life an individ ual should live. Since one has become another animal in Christian, change of character ought to be genuinely clear. The submission to God’s instructions and lessons implies change in ways of life. Since wrongdoing is offense of precepts, and being a Christian expects one to get some distance from transgression, at that point submission is the key that characterizes Christianity. The common delights are satisfying to the eyes, speaking to the body and sane to the psyche, however they are on the whole battling against Christian qualities and convictions. One can't turn into a Christian and at same time hold to the common delights that are unspiritual. As indicated by Towns, â€Å"Every time you settle on a decision, you are transforming the control some portion of you into something somewhat unique in relation to what you were before †¦ turning your life all in all, either into a sublime animal or into an awful one†(1994, p. 168). For this situation, Christianity i s tied in with rolling out radical improvements in life for there are just two predeterminations of humankind: paradise and hellfire. The two fates share nothing profound for all intents and purpose aside from people who land there by their own legitimacy. In the book of scriptures, Paul importunes Christians not to fit in with the common principles however change their psyches so they can do the desire of God. Church’s Responsibility The congregation has extraordinary commission given by Jesus Christ of circumventing the world lecturing the everlasting gospel to the individuals, absolving them for the sake of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, and supporting them as they develop profoundly. For the congregation to impart the adoration for God better and contact the lives of the network, they should start from their character change. Christians ought to be the salt of the world for the individuals to taste and light of the world for the individuals to see. Jesus Christ exh orted His trains that â€Å"let your light so sparkle before men, that they may see your acts of kindness, and praise your Father which is in heaven†(Matthew 5:16, King James Version). The congregation can communicate the adoration for God in their acts of kindness that they do or depict to the network. The congregation can likewise impart the affection for God by accomplishing good cause work so as to help the poor in the general public. The congregation can take care of the hungry, dress the bare, visit the debilitated and accomplish public work, for example, planting trees or cleaning the earth. Every one of these activities reflect profound character of Christians. Christianity includes profound qualities that can just show in activities. â€Å"Where an otherworldliness brings about inward capacity to do great, character brings about your propensities that cause you to do good†(Towns, 1994, p. 163). Henceforth, individuals from the congregation ought to consisten tly show otherworldliness and character in the entirety of their undertakings so as to convey the affection for God and contact lives of all in the community.Advertising We will compose a custom research project test on Is Jesus Christ God? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Jesus Christ professed to be the Son of God who sent Him into the world to recover mankind. His case of being the Son of God and being able to perform numerous supernatural occurrences including the absolution of transgression drove the Pharisees and the recorders to mark his showing impious and therefore, they executed Him. In spite of the fact that Jews executed Him, Jesus Christ left an extraordinary inheritance to Christians since He set the trend of genuine Christianity where all Christians ought to change and follow. He left the congregation with the perfect duty of lecturing the everlasting gospel, submersing, and supporting networks in arrangement of His new realm which wil l be revealed upon his subsequent coming. References King James Version. The Bible Towns, E. (1994). Propensities for the Heart. Lynchburg, VA: Church Growth Institute.
Highway Administrator Paper Free Essays
The head of the expressway office was given an errand to figure out how to fill more potholes. This program to fill more potholes would diminish the quantity of protests in the city and the quantity of harms to the residents’ vehicles. To do this, the Highway Administrator actualized an objective setting program, in trusts this would urge the laborers to fill more potholes. We will compose a custom article test on Thruway Administrator Paper or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now This program sets a standard for each team to fill a specific measure of potholes every day, regardless of the area of where the group was working. The outcomes will at that point be posted for the entirety of the groups to watch and analyze. As a motivator to fill the most potholes conceivable, the group who filled the best measure of potholes every week was given a prize. I for one accept great outcomes will be accomplished since the Highway Administrator’s plan follows the structure of the objective setting hypothesis. â€Å"Goal setting hypothesis depended on the reason that much human activity is intentional, in that it is coordinated by cognizant objectives. †(Neil, 1994) A more refreshed meaning of the Goal Setting Theory expresses that objectives are the remarry drivers of the power and determination of exertion. This program will be effective since the objectives to be met are explicit, joined by criticism, and troublesome, yet acknowledged by the laborers. These parts of the program will expand the general execution of the laborers, which means more potholes will be filled in the affirmed way, in this manner, diminishing the quantity of grumblings in the city and harms to the residents’ vehicles. Since the obligations doled out to the laborers are intended to support the network, it is protected to state that their Job execution is significant. The mistakes have an unmistakable, explained Job portrayal and a rundown of assignments they have to finish, in the request they have to finish them. With their particular Job depiction and the laborers assisting the network, by and large Job fulfillment will rise, expanding Job efficiency. â€Å"Meaningful work and Job fulfillment are linked,†(Weir, 2013) and normally lead to generally speaking life fulfillment. Objectives set by the interstate administrator’s program were explicit. The standard set by the interstate director were that each group was to fill 20% a larger number of potholes than they for the most part fill every day. This part of the objective is incredibly productive and explicit which gives the laborers an away from of what they have to accomplish at work. On the off chance that the objective were to just â€Å"fill a bigger number of potholes than you regularly fill†than each team could fill one more pothole than they ordinarily do and still meet the objective, yet this would most likely not complete as much work done as quick as it needs to finished. This objective is likewise a reasonable standard in view of the distinctive working conditions each group works in. Requesting that each group fill five a greater number of potholes than typical may end up being simple for one team and incredibly hard for another, contingent upon the conditions. Each team was additionally given a bit by bit sheet on the best way to appropriately fill every pothole. This will make a filled pothole that will last more, accordingly, making less work for what's to come. The criticism that goes with every objective comes toward the finish of every week. Input is target data about execution. Inspirational criticism fills in as a prize and the expressway executive plainly comprehends that since he is utilizing compensations to drive his employees’ profitability. (Hogue, 2004) Each week, the interstate overseer will post execution information on a board for the entirety of different teams to see. Since there are just rewards and no unforgiving outcomes, this makes well disposed rivalry for each group. The group who has the most potholes filled toward the finish of every week wins passes to a sporting event in their area. Since there is a motivating force engaged with the week after week execution, the groups will work a lot harder so as to start things out and win the prize. This will drive up the work execution fundamentally since the prize is something individuals realize they will appreciate. At long last, the objectives are legitimate, yet acknowledged by the laborers. It may not be simple from the outset to fill 20% a larger number of potholes than normal. When the groups understand the objectives are troublesome, yet not feasible, the power and ingenuity of the laborers will boost so as to be the best and finish the work as fast and proficiently as could reasonably be expected. Each group will work their hardest to fill numerous potholes as could be expected under the circumstances. The motivators become possibly the most important factor by and by with regards to the objective being troublesome since each team knows whether they work more enthusiastically, they will accomplish a greater number of potholes than different groups. It is likewise valuable to he program that presentation measurements aren’t posted until the week's end. If they somehow happened to post execution insights consistently, teams with lower execution may feel disheartened on the off chance that they are not filling the most potholes, driving them to not function as hard as they may feel they don’t get an opportunity. The expressway administrator’s objective setting program is intended to raise profitability and I anticipate that is actually what will occur. Since the objective setting program is dependent on the objective setting hypothesis, it needs to follow three significant angles to be fruitful. At the point when the objectives are explicit, joined by criticism, and troublesome, however acknowledged by representatives, they increment the exhibition of the laborers. These viewpoints fill in as the essential drivers of the force and constancy of exertion. â€Å"In request for an association to be fruitful they should ceaselessly guarantee the fulfillment of their representatives. †(Yip, Goldman, Martin, 2009) Taking the objective setting hypothesis into thought, a definitive objective is for the objective setting system to be fruitful. At the point when laborers are happy with their Job and the work they’ve done, alongside potential prizes they may have earned, they will instinct to work more diligently. This is chiefly since work itself has a solid connection with work fulfillment. In the event that somebody isn't happy with the work they do, they might not have any desire to fill in as hard or be as gainful. Representatives that like their work think that its simple to work more enthusiastically and make progress toward their best. They do this by defining individual objectives for themselves, identifying with work, and accomplishing them. Each group may think of group and individual procedures so as to utilize each push to fill the most potholes. This program will raise the workers’ profitability by raising the workers’ fulfillment. On the off chance that I were the roadway manager, I would execute a similar program with minor changes. At last, I feel that this program will drive laborers to build efficiency and fill more potholes. With this outcome and more potholes filled, grumblings from the residents and harms to their cars’ will diminish enormously. This would improve the general lesson of the city if more potholes were filled. The prize part of this program is one of the most significant parts. â€Å"A great prize framework should encourage self-improvement and advancement and keep capable individuals from leaving†(Grittier, 1998). This program does Just that, which is the reason I concur with it and how it will influence the work process. At the point when people set objectives for themselves just as attempt to get rewards that might be granted to them, they develop as an individual and would prefer not to leave because of Job fulfillment and potential prizes. This prompts full of feeling responsibility by the laborers. Laborers will remain with the association since they need to, not on the grounds that they feel committed or need to because of their money related circumstance. The main angle I would change about this program is the level of potholes that should be filled. I would study every group work zone and give them group objectives to meet. Anything over that would be contrasted with different groups and the team who was best would get the prize. Generally, the parkway administrator’s objective setting project will work successfully and fill it’s need of filling more potholes to develop a superior network condition. Instructions to refer to Highway Administrator Paper, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Comedy and Plautus Essay Example
Parody and Plautus Paper Aulularia is a comedic play composed by Titus Maccius Plautus during when Athens was one of, if not the most impressive city-states in the entirety of Europe. For this extraordinary society, history specialists utilize artistic attempts to look into and comprehend what the period resembled. Aulularia is extraordinary play that can assist students of history with researching how slaves were, through Plautus’ humor you can get how marriage and professional creation is done and seen in Ancient Athens. Titus Maccius Plautus, conceived at some point around 254 B. C. E. , (kicked the bucket in 185 B. C. E. in the town of Umbria was not constantly known as the acclaimed comedic play-essayist, yet rather as the meandering mill operator. Be that as it may, in his initial age he is thought to have fled his old neighborhood and made it as a craftsman/technician on the Roman stages (Plautus, Titus M, Aulularia). Plautus was in the incomparable Roman armed force; there he was presented to the Greek New Comedy and the plays of Menander (Plautus, Wikipedia). It wasn’t until around the age of 45 where he started composing plays while working his hand-factory, crushing corn for the family units (Plautus, Wikipedia). Plautus’ work was essentially Latin adjustments of this classification of satire. The individuals of Rome discovered regular daily existence exceptionally engaging (Titus Maccius Plautus, Theater Database). While composing these plays he needed to remember that the vast majority of the crowd was very un-taught. In any case, one thing that all Romans shared for all intents and purpose was home and family life. Jokes were made about family life and generalized characters. While governmental issues didn’t make there route into these plays, the divine beings did. It was to some degree questionable in the manner his characters depicted the divine beings. Characters in stories can quite often be contrasted with a divine being, which left him blamed for showing the open aloofness and joke towards the divine beings. It was intriguing how privileged residents disparaged the divine beings and troopers derided them. At the same time pimps, mistresses, and parasites lauded the divine beings. Plays were never the main amusement happening at a given time, which constrained Plautus to go after people’s consideration against chariot races, horse races, and fights (Plautus, Wikipedia). He would go to extraordinary measures to engage his crowds and request their consideration. We will compose a custom exposition test on Comedy and Plautus explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Comedy and Plautus explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Comedy and Plautus explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer New Greek Comedy had a lot of slaves in their works typically being very cunning while at the same time playing the opponent. Notwithstanding, Plautus utilized the slaves in his work somewhat better in which they had a lot bigger and dynamic jobs. Slaves were moved a lot further into the front of the activity as a principle character. This was Plautus’ best strategy in making humor since individuals thought that it was interesting that slaves deceived their lords or contrasted themselves with divine beings. The reversal of jobs by a mischievous and clever slave was hilarious and it wasn’t hard to make a plot from that point (Plautus, Titus Maccius, Theater Database). Aulularia is a comedic play that happens in present Athens (according to Plautus. ) Euclio (fundamental character) is an extremely poor, more established man of his word that lives in Athens. Euclio’s Household God favored him by causing Euclio to find the fortune in his home. In any case, soon you understand this is not really a gift since he fixates on it, keeping it sheltered and essentially shuns himself from the remainder of the network (Konstan). Megadorus a well off, more established honorable man concludes that he might want to wed Phaedria, Euclio’s little girl. From the start Euclio is distrustful of Megadorus in light of the fact that there is no explanation a more seasoned rich man of Athens such as himself, would need to wed a poor keeps an eye on little girl. The jumpy Euclio unequivocally accepts that Megadorus is aware of his gold. In a manner he disregards this when Megadorus lets him know there is no requirement for an endowment to oblige the wedding that would happen that equivalent day. Energized by this Euclio acknowledges the offer yet no longer trusts that his home will be alright for his gold. He moves the gold to the sanctuary of Fides. Strobilus (Lyconides’ slave) catches Euclio talking and starts searching for the gold. When Euclio returns he beats the slave and compromises him. Euclio has no trust in Fides and chooses to move it totally out of the city to a forest of Silvanus. Strobilus is at the same time far out however watches out for Euclio and when everything looked good he proceeded to take the gold. Euclio returns and nothing is there and is totally squashed. Soon after this Lyconides approaches him and advises him that the commitment of Megadorus and Phaedria. From here Lyconides clarifies that he has wronged his little girl at Ceres’ celebration and asks her turn in marriage. Lyconides then goes over Strobilus who comes out and tells his lord that he has discovered gold. The remainder of the content has been lost however it is said that Lyconides restores the taken gold to Euclio, who at that point gives Lyconides authorization to wed his girl. As a wedding present Euclio gives the gold to Phaedria and Lyconides (Plautus). The sole motivation behind why Plautus made this play was for diversion and he bombed in his organizations. He turned into a play essayist at 45 and carried another influx of amusement to Rome. â€Å"At all costs, he kept the pot of activity heating up, the surge of muffles and plays on words and modest droll streaming. Anything to make the crowd giggle and shield them from looking in on the bout next-door†(Titus Maccius Plautus, Imagi-country. com). In Aulularia you can see that he doesn’t especially appreciate the high society. Megadorus is an a lot more seasoned man yet needs to ask Euclio’s youthful girl Phaedria’s turn in marriage. This is out of desire with no respect to the social clash. Megadorus appears to be so edgy for the youthful â€Å"flesh†that he is breaking the old convention of an endowment. Additionally in Aulularia, he displays captives to be a lot more intelligent than any Roman man in this play. Euclio is the poor casualty who just needs his gold to be sheltered yet can't locate an appropriate concealing spot without having a quiet psyche. Notwithstanding the watchers discovering this extremely amusing, this has something to do with the way that Plautus was not constantly affluent and it required some investment before he was living easily (Plautus). Aulularia says an incredible arrangement regarding the timespan in Athens. Euclio was a metic in Athens, he a has changeless residency in the States however isn't viewed as a resident (Kempf). Euclio was extremely poor and truly had nothing of significant worth with the exception of his gold. He carried on a very un-simple lifestyle since he was jumpy that his gold would be taken from him. He lived in steady battle and extraordinary neediness. Pythodicus says from the play, â€Å"Why, I reveal to you he starts wailing to paradise and earth to observe that hes bankrupt, gone to everlasting crush, the second a puff of smoke from his down and out fire figures out how to escape his home. Why, when he hits the sack he strings a pack over his jaws. †Pythodicus is being somewhat emotional, yet in any case, Euclio needs to simply trust that he lives to see one more day since it is a consistent battle to put food on the table. Aulularia was a bit of writing that can truly say something regarding bondage during these occasions. Athenians felt that they were better than slaves in each part of life, however it demonstrated that they could be wicked and clever. Each slave included in this play (Staphyla, Pythoidcus, Strobilus) appears to have somewhere in the range of a better than average measure of insight. Euclio’s old slave Staphyla, reacted to him when advised to watch the house by saying, â€Å"You aren’t apprehensive anybody will leave with the house right? I promise we’ve got nothing else there for the hoodlums to takeâ€a loaded with void for what it's worth, and spider webs. This was exceptionally astonishing originating from somebody who was compromised only minutes prior (Plautus). Megadorus slave Pythodicus. As noted before he is clarifying how poor Euclio is and kids about it with the cooks for the wedding. He is likewise the individual who is neglecting the cooks and ensu ring everything goes as arranged. This could occupation must be given to somebody trusted and dependable enough to do the job that needs to be done (Plautus). Strobilus outmaneuvers Euclio and realizes that he has a pot of gold that he is covering up. At the point when he sees Euclio leaves the sanctuary of Fides he sees him leave the city dividers and climbs a tree well far out. He holds up until after Euclio has left and uncovers the pot of gold for himself. Strobilus even relinquishes his post for his lord Lyconides to bring this gold with the high any expectations of purchasing his opportunity (Plautus). The manner in which marriage is done in Athens during this time was vastly different than the way that Megadorus goes about it. The Athenian marriage was an understanding between the bride’s father and the man of the hour and at times the father’s sibling (Kempf). This was the situation in Aulularia. Anyway the lady of the hour should surrender every last bit of her toys, and her hair is to be trimmed. On the night prior to the wedding the lady of the hour and man of the hour clean up and sang songs to Hymen. The dad was to make penances to Hera, Zeus, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Peitho (The Women of Athens). None of these ceremonies were even referenced in the play by Plautus. In the play the marriage was occurring inside just a couple of long periods of understanding among Euclio and Megadorus. This piece of the play was not a decent method to contemplate the manner in which marriage was dealt with in Athens during this timespan. Anyway the closure (or what survives from the completion) gives a vastly improved thought of how the procedure is finished. Lyconides another poor man, inquires as to whether he can wed his girl. It was a lot of m
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Mistakes vs. Bad Decisions
Mistakes vs. Bad Decisions A politician cheats on his wife, gets caught, and says he “made a big mistake.†A businesswoman omits a chunk of revenue on her taxes and says something similar to the IRS. A son lies to his mother and later fesses up to his “mistake.†These examples aren’t mistakes, thoughâ€"they’re bad decisions. Selecting the wrong answer on a test is a mistake; not studying for that test is a bad decision. The mistake was something you did without intention; the bad decision was made intentionallyâ€"often without regard for the consequence. It’s easy to dismiss your bad decisions by reclassifying them as mistakes. It takes the edge off, it softens the blow. But it’s much worse than that: reclassifying a bad decision as a mistake removes your responsibility, making it no longer your fault. And it’s much easier to live with your bad decisions if they aren’t your fault. Consequently, you’re more likely to make the same bad decision repeatedly if you simply consider it a mistake. Such behavior is, by definition, insane. We all make mistakes. We all make bad decisions. They are part of the human experience. We can celebrate our mistakes (failure is often the key to success), and we can learn from our bad decisionsâ€"but let’s not confuse the one with the other. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.
Monday, June 22, 2020
The GRE and the Ivy League
The Graduate Record Examination, or GRE, is a test taken by students who plan to apply to graduate school. Not surprisingly, students must achieve high scores on this test if they want to be accepted into a school in the Ivy League. GRE scores earned by students in Ivy League schools differ depending on the study program, but in most study programs at Ivy League schools, students have GRE scores that rank in the 95th percentile or above. In short, students who want to attend graduate school in the Ivy League must have a high GRE score to be considered. Discover more about the GRE and what students can do to achieve high scores that can help them get into a graduate program at an Ivy League school. The Sections of the GRE The GRE has three parts, including the Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Writing sections. The Verbal Reasoning section asks students to evaluate written material. This section tests students’ reading comprehension skills as well as their ability to identify words and concepts. The Quantitative Reasoning section tests students’ problem-solving skills basic arithmetic, algebra, ratios, number properties, geometry, and data analysis problems are all included in this section of the GRE. A student’s critical thinking skills are put to the test in the Analytical Writing section. Students must create an organized written piece with plenty of evidence to support their ideas. Scoring on the GRE Students taking the GRE should know that there is a score assigned to each of the three sections of the test. For the Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal sections, the score range goes from 130 to 170. The score range is 0 to 6 for the Analytical Writing section of the test. Points for the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections are awarded in one-point increments. The Analytical Writing section, on the other hand, is scored in half-point increments. Study Tips for the GRE Learning vocabulary words is an important part of the GRE prep process. Of course, it’s a good idea to practice with flashcards. Flashcards are excellent for memorizing words and their definitions. But it also helps for students to see vocabulary words used in context. This can be accomplished by reading magazines and newspapers. Also, the Internet is one of the best resources for books and articles. Seeing an unfamiliar word in context is an effective way for a student to absorb the word’s definition. Another tip is to take several practice tests. This is an excellent way for a student to determine which skills need the most improvement. Plus, a student can gain confidence as they see progress with each set of practice test results. In addition, students should make a point of starting to prepare as soon as possible for the GRE. Studying material for the GRE should be done in a gradual way over a period of months it’s a good idea for a student to study daily for the GRE. Some students think of studying for the GRE as a part-time job. This helps them to incorporate GRE study time into their daily lives. Students who feel rushed or try to cram on information just days before the test are not likely to perform at their best on the GRE. Studying With the Experts At Veritas Prep, we offer courses that can help students prepare for the GRE. Our talented instructors have all achieved great success on the GRE, so students who study with Veritas Prep are learning test-taking strategies from individuals with hands-on experience! We provide students with both in-person and online tutoring options, making it easy for students to find the option that best fits into their busy schedule. Our instructors also offer students the encouragement they need to boost their confidence in the days before the test. In addition to our GRE prep courses, we provide students with guidance on MBA admissions. Our professional consultants have experience working in the admissions offices at Ivy League schools, so we have inside information on what it takes to get into the Ivy League. GRE scores can improve with the help of our proven program and skillful tutors. From GRE prep to college admissions guidance, Veritas Prep can help you on the road to achieving your academic goals. Want to jump-start your GRE preparation? Register to attend one of our upcoming free online GRE Strategy Sessions or check out our variety of GRE Course and Private Tutoring options. And as always, be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Twitter!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Public Health Nutrition ( Phn ) - 1700 Words
Public health Nutrition (PHN) is the promotion and maintenance of nutrition related to health and well-being of populations via the organised efforts and informed choices of society (Hughes et al, 2012). Public health nutrition focuses on solving nutrition related problems, however focusing on developing interventions in the population; it also draws upon the principles of health promotion (Caraher and Coveney, 2004). Landman, Buttriss and Margetts (1998) outlines public health nutrition in focusing on the promotion of good health via nutrition and primary interventions. The importance lies on the maintenance of wellness in the whole population. Overall it strives to improve optimum nutritional health of all individuals as well as vulnerable groups within the population. Public health nutrition uses numerous strategies to spread and influence the community, there are three levels of intervention, firstly the primary intervention, this reduces or removes the risk factors of the occurr ing diseases, secondary strategy is to stop or slow the disease progressing further, followed by the tertiary strategy which involves managing or rehabilitation with the individuals with health conditions and to improve the quality of life (Psaltopoulou, llias and Alevizaki 2010). Healthy eating and regular physical activity play a substantial role in preventing chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and stroke; which are the leading causes of death among adults aged 18 yearsShow MoreRelatedHealth Disparities : Transportation Equity And Applied Theories Essay1661 Words  | 7 PagesHealth Disparities: Transportation Equity and Applied Theories Summary of the Problem and Applied Middle-Range Theory All people, regardless of demographics, race, age, or physical limitations, deserve to have access to available resources within their own community. According to the American Public Health Association (APHA), health equity is defined as: all individuals merit the opportunity to achieve optimal health (Health Equity, 2016); furthermore, health disparities are described as the â€Å"differencesRead MoreThe Family Health For The Community952 Words  | 4 PagesThe family health nurse providing care in the community must integrate community involvement and knowledge about the population with their personal and clinical comprehension of health and illness experiences of individuals and families within a population (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, Harmon Hanson, 2015). Nurse Home Visiting Programs The visiting nurse can assess a family’s health statues in their environment that will allow them to develop specific interventions and strategies, as wellRead MoreAdolescent Mental Health : A Community Assessment3969 Words  | 16 PagesAdolescent Mental Health in a Rural Community A community assessment involves a thorough evaluation of a community’s health and available resources. This allows an individual to determine factors that potentially pose a risk to the community’s health (Anderson McFarlane, 2011). A community assessment was conducted on the town of Buffalo, Minnesota (MN). Buffalo is a rural community that is centrally located between Minneapolis and St. Cloud, MN (Buffalo Chamber, 2015). This allows Buffalo residentsRead MoreObesity : Prevention Of Obesity2017 Words  | 9 PagesPrevention of Obesity in the Children of Latino Parents in California Public Health Issue Obesity is one of the biggest problems in the U.S. that causes significant numbers of morbidity and mortality rates. These rates have been significantly increasing over the past few decades affecting both well developed, and moderately developed countries. The problem is not only present within adult population but is also a considerable issue among children in the US. The cause of obesity, is the difficultyRead MoreChildhood Obesity Is Increasing At Rates1880 Words  | 8 Pagesincreasing at rates that have alarmed health care researchers, public health agencies, medical providers, and the general public as the incidence has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal, 2014). The problem is complex, as it involves the diverse economic, social and ethnic backgrounds of children and the necessity for multi-agency involvement and coordination to effect the needed change. Public health nurses can play a major role inR ead MoreFast Food : An Staple Of American Culture894 Words  | 4 Pagesmanipulations and developments of fast food companies has not only increased obesity rate amongst children but has cause those children to suffer from lifelong health problems. Although fast food grants our desire for instant gratification, Grade school should eliminate the regular consumption of fast food diet from lunch menus to prevent health issues among children such as obesity, heart disease, behavioral problems. Childhood obesity is at its all-time high due to behavioral and dietaryRead MoreA Brief Note On The State Of Diabetics Essay983 Words  | 4 Pages Diabetics in Hidalgo County Norma Valdez-Rosa South University Online May 23, 2016 DIABETICS IN HIDALGO COUNTY One of the most important health problems in my community is Diabetes. The combination of an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, the lack of health education and access to preventative care services all contribute to this growing problem. The prevalence of diabetes in Mexican Americans living in Hidalgo County for both men and women is 25.9 %, or 1 in 3.8 peopleRead MoreComfort Theory1086 Words  | 5 PagesKolcaba’s Comfort Theory Kelly Henderson Professional Transition I/HSC-175 September 30, 2013 Mrs. Suzanne Boese, RN-BC, PHN, MSN/Ed Explanation of the Comfort Theory The origin of the word nurse is derived from the Latin word nutricius, meaning â€Å"(person) that nourishes†(Merriam-Webster, 2013). Historically, the concept of comfort was recognized as an essential praxis of nursing because of antiquated medical practices and the lack of development of medications. Often times, comfort wasRead MoreA Study On Obesity And Obesity3724 Words  | 15 Pages+2348037726861 COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS KNOWLEDGE OF CAUSES, HEALTH IMPLICATIONS AND PREVENTION OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY: A GUIDE TO PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTION. ABSTRACT Overweight and obesity are increasing globally even in developing nations. Nigeria currently does not have national figures on overweight and obesity in adults and adolescents. This shows that it is not yet seen as a priority despite the associated risks. Public health interventions need to be on ground to battleRead MoreCommunity Health Nursing4829 Words  | 20 Pages1. Public health systems are operating within a context of ongoing changes, which exert a number of pressures on the public health system. These changes include all of the following, except: A. Health reforms B. Existing and emerging environmental hazards C. New technologies for health care D. None of the above 2. In response to the changes of the times, the UN General Assembly adopted a vision of poverty reduction and sustainable development. This is exemplified in the
Monday, May 18, 2020
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay - 1306 Words
This article’s general topic was to study and compare group psychotherapy for women with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder to women with both PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder, that have previously experienced childhood sexual abuse. This research is important because it tests the effectiveness of interpersonal process group therapy that is used quite often for women who have suffered from childhood sexual abuse. Around one third of all women have reported some type of childhood sexual abuse so by studying this method of treatment it can prove effective or not. This research can help find a reliable treatment that helps women who have dealt with this kind of trauma in their lives. The empirical justification for the researchers was†¦show more content†¦The requirements to participate in the treatment program was that the women must have experienced childhood sexual abuse at least once in their lives, were eighteen years or older in age, currently diagnosed with PTSD, and were prepared to engage in group therapy. Each participant was scheduled for an appointment where they were given self-reported surveys, and were interviewed for a clinical diagnostic. Once the women were approved to participate in the treatment, they were placed into three groups. One group (BPD-) consisted of only women with PTSD, another (BPD+) consisted of one or more women diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder within the group, and the final group were the women on the waitlist who had no treatment. The women placed in each group did not differ in age, employment or marital status. The approximated, average age of the studied women was 35 years old. More than half of the women, 63%, were employed. There were 57% white women, 16% African American women, 17% Hispanic women, and 10% other. All three groups experienced the same interpersonal process group therapy, and were assessed on their progress as a group and individually. It was a twelve week treatment program that was headed by six female therapists that had doctorate or master degrees in either psychology or clinical social work. Each group had a supervisor, that collected data from each session, and the therapists were not awareShow MoreRelatedPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Essay4334 Words  | 18 PagesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been the focus of considerable attention, and some controversy, since it was formally recognised in 1980 by the American Psychiatric Association. This essay will discuss the history of this relatively new diagnosis and its place within the DSM-IV-TR, whilst three perspectives of pathological reaction to trauma, namely, socio-cultural, psychological and biological factors will also be compared. In conclusion this essay will discuss how the three perspectivesRead More Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pages There are hundreds of different kinds of psychiatric disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV). One of them is called Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Based on the research, post-traumatic disorder usually occurs following the experience or witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults like rape (Harvard Women’s Health Watch, 2005)Read MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay1069 Words  | 5 Pagesgreat impact on him and his future. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that results from experiencing or witnessing an extremely traumatic or tragic event that extends beyond one’s coping capacity. People with PTSD usually have frightening thoughts or vivid memories or dreams of that event. How a child reacts to a tragic event emotionally and mentally completely depends on the child’s mentality. Some people can look past a traumatic event and live life; others can lead to moreRead MoreSymptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay821 Words  | 4 Pagesresponse to a harmful event or threat of survival. However, this reaction to danger can be damaged or altered due to Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD usually occurs after a terrifying event that involves physical harm, or the threat of it. Instead of the body having a natural response to danger, this â€Å"flight-or-fight†reaction could occur at any given, uncontrollable moment. Traumatic events including rape, child abuse, natural disasters, and car accidents are one of the many things that can triggerRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder is on the Raise Essay1155 Words  | 5 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined as mental health disorder triggered by a terrifying event (Mayo Clinic). This ordeal could be the result of some sort of physical harm or threat to the individual, family members, friends or even strangers (NIMH). While PTSD is typically associated with someone who has served in the military, it can affect more than just that genre of individuals. It could affect rape victims, victims in a terrorist or natural disaster incident, nurses, doctors, andRead More Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans Essay2315 Words  | 10 PagesEveryday Battles with PTSD†1). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the reason why these courageous military service members cannot live a normal life when they are discharged. One out of every five military service members on combat toursâ€â€about 300,000 so farâ€â€return home with symptoms of PTSD or major depression. According to the Rand Study, almost half of these cases go untreated because of the disgrace that the military and civil society attach to mental disorders (McGirk 1). The general populationRe ad MoreMethods of Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay924 Words  | 4 PagesWhen humans undergo traumatic events that threaten their safety and wellbeing, they may become vulnerable to nightmares, fear, excessive anxiety, depression, and trembling. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological illness that results from the occurrence of a â€Å"terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise unsafe experience†(Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), 2012). This condition often leads to unbearable stress and anxiety. PTSD is significantly prevalent as indicatedRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes Symptoms and Effects Essay1382 Words  | 6 Pagesor suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury during Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. What this number does not include are the 39,365 cases of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (more commonly known as PTSD). (Department 2009) Although we usually think of war injuries as bein g physical, one of the most common war injuries is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the effects can be devastating to a redeploying soldier who has come in contact with severely traumatic experiences. PTSDRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder: Will Help Finally Come? Essay example1206 Words  | 5 PagesPTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) has always been an issue especially with those that have experienced sexual assault, a traumatic accident or injury, being a prisoner of war, or participated in combat. Sadly, ever since the Iraq war, PTSD has been becoming even more widespread. Soldiers have been diagnosed with chronic PTSD and the medication has not been helping. PTSD causes a variety types of symptoms including: flashbacks, nightmares, recurring visual images of the traumatic experience, negativeRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay1672 Words  | 7 Pageseffects associated with these diagnoses for Veterans to function in society. It would allow a five-year pilot program to be established to record the significance service dogs have on decreasing psychological symptoms of Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. It would also record the number of Vet erans who are able to return to normal functionality within society due to utilizing a service dog for treatment. I recommend that NASW-MI support HB 4843 because it addresses the growing Veteran
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Anatomy of Love by Helen Fisher - 2034 Words
Our innate tendencies affect out behavior patterns in the life cycle. From love, sex, and marriage and the change from societies to past and future times. The discoveries of why we have mating traits and how they are used in many meanings such as a smile or the way a person speaks with their body. The forces of culture and environment take part in human involvement in the world. While men and women start to change roles and rights are broaden in a marriage. Along comes divorce in which happens so often in societies because of many reasons. What we have inherited is from out ancestors and it repeats itself in every life cycle. The expedition of the book Anatomy of Love goes through the past to future on love, sex, marriage, and divorce and how it relates to modern societies. Body language such as women who try to flirt or get a man to notice. Giving gestures such as starring into ones eyes and giving a grin or a smile is an example. As women show that they are attractive by â€Å"lifting here eyebrows in a swift, jerky motion,†(20) trying to not be so obvious to get someone’s attention. While men’s â€Å"chest thrust,†(21) in order to get a women’s attention. Gazing, one of many gestures to humans and primates used for attraction. Whether it’s a friendly high, getting someone’s attention, or hiding how one feels. An occurrence of an uncomfortable situation can happen. Recognition, talks, and touches other ways of mating depending on the situation. Having synchrony of meeting anotherShow MoreRelatedThe Anatomy Of Love By Helen Fisher1336 Words  | 6 Pagesbecause in our society today there are myths regarding jealousy towards the people who experience this emotion. For example, those who feel jealousy have low self-esteem, or are considered immature, or have character defects. In the book, Anatomy of Love by Helen Fisher states that cultural values affect how we define adultery and our attitudes towards it. (1992:78) She goes on and talks about a poll that was conducted by the People magazine in 1986 where 74 % of the 750 respondents believed one doesRead MoreEssay on Love the Right Chemistry by Anastasia Toufexis544 Words  | 3 PagesThe article love: the right chemistry by Anastasia Toufexis efforts to explain the concept of love from a scientific aspect in which an amateur will understand. Briefly this essay explains and describe in a scientific way how peoples stimulation of the body works when youre falling in love. The new scientific researches have given the answer through human physiology how genes behave when your feelings for example get swept away. The justification for this is explained by how the brain getsRead MoreResearch Paper for Love1613 Words  | 7 P agesRecklessly in Love. In Barbara Graham’s â€Å"The Future of Love†, she says long-term fairy tale romance inspires true love believers and their perspective towards love itself. Graham expresses the idea that to her, a lot of relationships fail because both partners in the relationship fall in love with an idealistic view of who the other person is. She explains that couples jump into relationships thinking their significant other was this perfect image they made him/her out to be only to come to realizationRead More Monogamy and Marriage: The Battle Between Biology and the Buck4707 Words  | 19 PagesMonogamy and Marriage: The Battle Between Biology and the Buck Monogamy does not imply fidelity (Fisher 63), and marriage does not imply monogamy. To understand this surprising statement, the word monogamy must be interpreted in a biological sense, and marriage in a legal sense. In other words, monogamy is just two people in a relationship for their mutual benefit, perhaps involving an extended family and children. Monogamy does not necessarily mean a life-long relationship, but it canRead MoreSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words  | 140 PagesBlanchard-Fields (IM) Advanced Accounting 10e - Beams (SM+TB) Advanced Accounting 10e International version Floyd A. Beams H. Anthony Solution Manual Advanced Accounting 10e International version Floyd A. Beams H. Anthony Test Bank Advanced Accounting 11e fisher taylor Test Bank Advanced Accounting 11e Floyd Beams Joseph Anthony Solution Manual Advanced Accounting 11e Floyd Beams Joseph Anthony Test Bank Advanced Accounting 11e Paul Fischer Solution Manual Advanced Accounting 3e Jeter, Chaney SolutionRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesWorkers More Satisfying Jobs?) †¢ New Case Incident (Crafting a Better Job) †¢ Updated Case Incident (Long Hours, Hundreds of E-Mails, and No Sleep: Does This Sound Like a Satisfying Job?) Chapter 4: Emotions and Moods †¢ Entirely new Opening Vignette (Love at Work: Taboo No More?) †¢ New feature: glOBalization! †¢ New Myth or Science? (â€Å"We Are Better Judges of When Others Are Happy Than When They Are Sad†) †¢ Revised introduction to the topic †¢ Review of research on moods and employee attachment †¢ New sectionRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesevery whim. Given this, the grey market (which includes both authors of this book) can only become far more powerful and demanding over the next few years. Illustration 4.5 The changing face of women The Zeitgeist of the late 1990s was captured by Helen Fielding (1997) in her highly successful book Bridget Jones’ Diary (that was later made into a film). This depicted an angst-ridden woman obsessed with her single status and calorie intake. Given that 19.1 per cent of women describe themselves as single
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Qualitative Research Results And Discussion - 1375 Words
Chapter 5 – Qualitative research results and discussion To analyse the objectives of this study further, interview questions were ready for opinion leaders, which include journalists, staffs of the management team and PR practitioners. Only key sentences or words of discussion were chosen due to the word limitation, the full-translated transcripts are attached at Appendix B. The findings of interview have three parts, which related to the three research questions. A: For the question of the impact of opinion leaders on Weibo, the viewpoints from interviewees all admitted the leading roles of opinion leaders, but their influences are limited. 1) Most interviewees agreed opinion leaders have the influence on fans, but they pointed out the impact has limitations. As opinion leaders are the key stakeholders of celebrities and their companies, and the impacts were acknowledged. It shows the company and the celebrity affect their important stakeholders; the stakeholders influence each other and have impacts return to the organisations. This accords with Sheldrake (2011)’s six flow of influence. Yang Juntao is the only expert who did not refer to the limitation of opinion leaders; he stated the important role of opinion leaders, who have the ability to shape followers’ opinions. However, others pointed out the limitation. The journalist Gu Yue suggests the opinion leaders have the ability of guiding and calling upon followers to make contributions for their idols, with groupShow MoreRelatedQualitative Research Results And Discussion2119 Words  | 9 PagesChapter 5 – Qualitative research results and discussion To analyse the objectives of this study further, interview questions were ready for opinion leaders, which include journalists, staffs of the management team and PR practitioners. Only key sentences or words of discussion were chosen due to the word limitation, the full-translated transcripts are attached at Appendix B. The findings of interview have three parts, which related to the three research questions. A: For the question of the impactRead MoreQualitative Research Critique: Asthma Self-Management in Puerto Rican Families935 Words  | 4 PagesQualitative Research Critique: Asthma Self-Management in Puerto Rican Families In the research study, A qualitative exploration of asthma self-management beliefs and practices in Puerto Rican families, Martin et. al. (2010) explored the nature and dynamics of asthma management within Puerto Rican families. The rationale for this specific focus on Puerto Rican families is cited within the study, wherein a 2002 survey determined that Puerto Rican children suffered the most from asthma comparedRead MoreThe Real Estate Development And Other Investment Multipronged Implication1293 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Methodology The chapter contains the methodology which would be employed for the study that focused on the real estate development and other investment multipronged implication to the sustenance of rural livelihood analysis of Dukem town. To performed the study, the researcher design the descriptive or explanatory approach entirely focused both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect primary as well as secondary data using interviews, questionnaire, FGD, observation and expert panelRead MoreEssay about Conducting Surveys866 Words  | 4 Pagessample size should reflect the stratums size in the overall population Qualitative Research ==================== Sampling Qualitative research does not generate statistical information and most of the concepts of statistically valid data do not apply; therefore, quantitative sampling issues do not apply to qualitative research. However, as the results of qualitative research are typically generalized to a population of customers or employees, a customer/employeeRead MoreAn Investigation Of Communicative Competence Of Esl Students Using Electronic Discussion Boards1318 Words  | 6 PagesA Research Critique of An Investigation of Communicative Competence of ESL Students Using Electronic Discussion Boards Summary of Research Study In the research article An Investigation of Communicative Competence of ESL Students Using Electronic Discussion Boards, Zha (2006) worked with 28 elementary-aged students who spoke English as a second language (ESL). Over the course of the six-week study 956 messages were posted to an electronic discussion board by the students and were analyzedRead MoreAnalysis Of Kendal Et Al Developed Around The Idea Of Young People, Eating Disorders Essay1467 Words  | 6 PagesQualitative The research conducted by Kendal et al developed around the idea of young people, eating disorders and how this was extended on to social networking, specifically through a discussion forum run by an eating disorders charity. The Critical Appraisal Skill Programme (CASP) was utilised to identify the quality of the research Boeckmann and Rohn (2014). Statements of the aims of the research The aims of the research were instantly identified as the researchers presented the aims clearlyRead MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay978 Words  | 4 PagesQualitative research explains, describes and characterizes the subject of investigation by focusing on words rather than numbers. It mainly collects the non-numerical data to describe a problem and helps to create ideas for further research. In qualitative research, data are collected through focus groups, interviews, direct observation or evaluation of archival material such as newspapers. Qualitative research has a qualitative dimension and relies on the background and context to analyze data.Read MoreA Research Study On Reading Material850 Words  | 4 Pagescompletely new to the reader. Reading research material is not different in the gathering or reading. However, the material itself is different. Research material is written with either qualitative or quantitative gathered results to add specif ic conclusions for the identified topic. Qualitative material refers to research that pertains to words that may or may not equate measurements in its conclusion (Strauss, Corbin, 1990). Whereas the quantitative research material refers to numerically measuredRead MoreHealth Promotion Model : A Meta Synthesis1303 Words  | 6 PagesPublished Research Article Ho, A.Y.K., Berggren, I., Dahlborg-Lyckhage, E. (2010). Diabetes empowerment related to Pender’s Health Promotion Model: A meta-synthesis. Nursing and Health Sciences (2010), 12, 259–267 Title Evaluation The title of this article â€Å"Diabetes empowerment related to Pender’s Health Promotion Model: A meta-synthesis†has been to-the-point and has been definite. The title has hinted at the way the research would be conducted without elaborating about the results. The authorsRead MoreYoung Chinese Women Attitudes Towards Pornography963 Words  | 4 PagesWith the use of a comparative qualitative research design, this research can explore women’s attitudes and beliefs regarding to pornography and its consumption in considerable depth, but the small sample size (only eight research participants) of this qualitative research can result in lack of representation in the research findings of young Chinese women attitudes towards pornography. Bryman (2012) condemned that majority of the research findings from qualitative research cannot be generalised to a
Tobacco 16th Century Free Essays
Tobacco in the sixteenth century What is tobacco? The definition of tobacco is leaves of the tobacco plant dried and prepared for smoking or ingestion. For the English settlers in Chesapeake tobacco was there way of surviving. During the sixteenth century a man planted tobacco in Virginia for the first time and found it took well to the climate. We will write a custom essay sample on Tobacco 16th Century or any similar topic only for you Order Now Once the tobacco started growing it needed much attention and great care by hand. Workers were needed around the clock to tend to the crops. The settlers realized that tobacco could be there way to riches. The growing of tobacco not only helped the English settlers but also the English monarchy, ships men, and merchants. In 1612 John Rolfe planted seeds of tobacco plants that had been found originally in the West Indies and Venezuela. The plants grew very well and he started to experiment with methods of curing the leaf further enhancing its flavor. Rolfe sent his first shipment of tobacco to London in 1614. After this it became clear to settlers that they could make a fortune in Virginia by growing tobacco. In 1617 the colonists made their first commercial shipment to England. When the shipments first arrived they product was hardly known but Sir Walter Releigh Helped to make tobacco smoking popular among the English. At first tobacco was sold at a very high price were only the wealthy could partake, but once the English colonist began to grow and ship an abundance of tobacco the price became much lower and tobacco was an indulgence for many. The shipping of tobacco to England saved the Jamestown settlement. Before growing tobacco they couldn’t even grow enough corn to feed themselves. Once the colonist started growing tobacco it became very clear to them that it could be the road to a fortune. The revenue coming in from exporting tobacco kept Chesapeake alive and growing. The king saw all the wealth being made and so he put a tax on importing tobacco giving him a major financial interest. In the end the exporting of tobacco provided a livelihood for many, a fortune for a few, and valuable revenue for ships men, merchants, and the English monarchy. In order to make all the tobacco they shipped to England to gain their wealth the tobacco plantations needed workers. A hired man working on tobacco plantations could make two or three times more in Virginia than in England. Most of the workers on the plantation were indentured servants. These people have their trip to Virginia paid for by someone else then pay the person back by working in the tobacco fields for four to five years. The indentured servants were mostly young, male, and had no skills in the job force. They were thrown on a field and told what to do. Growing tobacco is a very time consuming job. First the fields had to be cleared by hand. Like the Indians the colonist â€Å"clered†fields by cutting a ring of bark from each tree, this was called girdling, killing the tree. Then colonist would use heavy hoes to till the fields. Holes were then made with sticks and the tobacco seed was placed in each hole. Once the plants matured they were cut down and thrown in a pile to wilt. After the leaves dried a little in the piles they were striped from the stock of the plant and suspended from poles in drying barns or just out in the fields. Last after the leaves were dry, they were seasoned, packed up in casks, and shipped off. During all of this work the men, women, boys, and girls from the age seven and up would smoke tobacco in order to pass the time. As farming went on the owners of the fields’ realized that the indentured servants were hard to control and would soon be free of their contract to them. They first found ways to add time to their contract but found it hard and people were living through their time served. So Between 1670 and 1700 the Chesapeake tobacco plantations discovered slavery and slowly made the transition from servant to slave fixing the problem for the moment. Just when the colonists of Chesapeake thought they would be starving and have no money for the rest of their being John Rolfe showed up and planted tobacco seeds. The seeds grow well and the colonist learned how to make money from all the hard work they were putting forth. They also found cheap ways of getting workers. Pay for an indentured servant and have them work for up to 7 or 10 years or have slave that don’t ever leave the plantation. The tobacco business thrived for everyone entangled in it. Over thirty-million pounds of tobacco was exported from Virginia to England helping make Chesapeake thrive as a colony. Bibliography The Old Dominion in the Seventeenth Century: A Documentary History of Virginia, 1606-1700 / Edition 1by Warren M. Billings The American Promise, A compact history, fourth edition, volume 1: to 1877, by: Roark, Johnson, Cohen, stage, Lawson, and Hartmann WWW. fcps. edu/GunstonES/gunstones/speciaLprojects/Jamestown1612. htm Gale Encyclopedia of Biography :John Rolfe How to cite Tobacco 16th Century, Papers
Characteristics of Team Building †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about Characteristics of Team Buildingthe . Answer: Introduction: The experience in this story teaches us the importance of teamwork more so from Marshmallow challenge (Wujec, 2010). It also shows that building successful team requires free spirit, working together after shelving personal experience and working collectively as one. This is demonstrated by children building best towers than adults, owing to the fact that they have no experience. Besides, the experience shows that when there is a team, every single person has no limits or restrictions to follow to get the best results (Ammeter Dukerich, 2002). When I want to build a team, I will focus on producing results rather than offering high rewards to get things done. It is evident that when rewards are higher, team members often focus on the money and not the quality of performance and thus ultimately fail to deliver on expectations (Wujec, 2010). Evidently, children built best towers since they are not aware of the economic importance of what they are doing. As such, they focus producing the best results. The same concept applies to building teams. The phenomenon in this video depicts behaviors by students when tutors give us group assignments. Some group members are not corporative despite knowing the importance of the assignment in their academic career. The situation is often characterized by last-minute meetings to rush over the assignment which eventually leads to poor research and ultimately low grades. References Ammeter, A. P., Dukerich, J. M. (2002). Leadership, team building, and team member characteristics in high performance project teams.Engineering Management Journal,14(4), 3-10. Wujec, T. (2010). Build a Tower, Build a Team. TED. Retrieved from
Friday, May 1, 2020
Blair Witch Project Movie Review Essay Research free essay sample
Blair Witch Project Movie Review Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; In October of # 8216 ; 94, three pupil film makers disappear in the forests of Burkittsville, MD, while hiting a documental # 8230 ; a twelvemonth subsequently their footage was found. # 8221 ; With that debut, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez launched what was one of the most scarey and most successful horror films in the last 20 old ages. The Blair Witch rises above typical horror film genre and brings about something really rare, a horror movie with truly scaring minutes. This film tells a narrative of three high school pupils, Heather ( Heather Donahue ) Josh, ( Josh Leonard ) and Mike ( Mike Williams ) who set out to hit a docudrama about the well known fable of the Blair Witch. The enchantress is said to stalk the forests and is responsible for a series of child slayings in the 1940 # 8217 ; s. They begin by questioning the townsfolk, who warn them of the fables and dismaying narratives that relate. We will write a custom essay sample on Blair Witch Project Movie Review Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then, they venture off into the forests to look into the fable, with merely a few cameras, a DAT machine, and a few minimum supplies to acquire by for the 3 twenty-four hours jaunt. Shot over 6 yearss and darks, all the footage is filmed by the three pupils on the equipment they are transporting. The movie had no books, and each character reacted to the state of affairs the manager placed them in. With the whole movie improvised, T he characters become existent, and the narrative line becomes more awful, go forthing the spectator on the border of his place. The audience frights for the safety of the pupils, even though it has already been established that the three neer return place. The Blair Witch Project, succeeds in doing a good horror movie without blood baths, determined slayers, or the Scream Queen, Jamie Lee Curtis. The viewing audiences see small, leting them to conceive of what it is that makes the noise # 8217 ; s in the forest each dark, and who it is that places the stones in three hemorrhoids right outside their collapsible shelter. Make no error, the movie has its defects. It is merely 80 proceedingss long and retarding forces in the center when the three have nil left to make but quibble between eachother and dislocation. And the camera motion can present a job to those viewing audiences who are prone to gesture illness. Finally, a major item that wraps up the stoping is merely mentioned one time in the really get downing. If you aren # 8217 ; t paying attending, you won # 8217 ; t understand when the screen turns black. It is easy to acquire brush up in this movie, and to believe the characters are existent people in a existent state of affairs. It has done something that no movie has since the Excorcist, touching something in everyone, that remain creepy in the procedure. Horror films this good, this different, and this realistic are excessively few, and far between.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Swot Analysis of Proton Holding Berhad free essay sample
Two years later, On 9th July 1985 the Proton Saga was officially launched. It was Malaysia’s first domestically produced car and is still sold in Malaysia and other countries today. The original factory plant, covering 99,400 sq m, is situated at Shah Alam near Kuala Lumpur in central Malaysia. The site also houses an engine and transmission factory, a castings plant, RD centre and a semi-high speed test track. The factory is currently producing 240,000 units per annum. Opened in 2005, a state of the art assembly plant was constructed at Tanjung Malim, 60 miles north of Kuala Lumpur. This area has been named Proton City and consists of 500 hectare site containing the factory, plant, housing, a university and other commercial buildings to accommodate component suppliers. This plant produces the three newest model ranges, the GEN-2, Savvy and Satria Neo. Proton’s total workplace in Malaysia totals just over 6,000 personnel working in all areas of vehicle design, RD, production and manufacturing. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Analysis of Proton Holding Berhad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With a solid base built up since 1983, Malaysia’s car manufacturing industry is progressing rapidly. Proton tool a major step forward in upgrading its engineering capabilities when it acquired a share in Lotus are closely involved in Proton’s new model development, with a team of engineers permenantly based at the design and development centre in Malaysia. The Company has come a long way since 1983, PROTON was publicly listed on the Kuala Lumpur stock Exchange in 1992, and today, Proton cars are exported to mor than 50 countries worldwide. Key export markets include Australia, Singappore, the far East and the UK, where during 2009 it celebrates 20 years in the market place. Since 1989, Proton Cars (UK) Ltd have been offering the British public reliable value for money vehicles. With each new model, Proton have improved and set new standards, earning a loyal group of customers, some of whom have recently purchased their 8th Proton vehicle.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Amiable and Amicable
Amiable and Amicable My dear friends, amiable and amicable are both agreeable words, but theyre used in slightly different ways. Definitions The adjective amiable means friendly, pleasant, likable, and/or sociable. Amiable is commonly used to describe people. The adverb form is amiably. The adjective amicable means peaceable, willing, or characterized by goodwill. Amicable is generally used to describe situations, encounters, or relationships between people. The adverb form is amicably. Also see the usage notes below. Examples Hes a big amiable man from Aberdeennothing fazes him and he takes everything in his stride.(Irvine Welsh, My Mentor. The Guardian [UK], July 4, 2008)Guinea pigs do not judge. They do not bully. They are characteristically amiable, social and oh-so-tactile. They tuck comfortably into child-size laps and err on the side of the seriously cute.(Jan Hoffman, Guinea Pigs Are Autistic Child’s Best Friend. The New York Times, June 29, 2015)I think he felt as I did- just a vague sense of sadness at the futility of it all. We were able to sort out our affairs without conflict. Perhaps that is what constitutes an amicable separation. It was defined not by the presence of friendship but the lack of animosity.(Linda Olsson, The Memory of Love. Penguin, 2013)Following a vacation that Amy took with the two children but without Harry (he couldnt take off time from work), she announced that she wanted a divorce and had never loved him. The process was surprisingly amicable, with Amy agre eing that Harry would get custody.(Geoffrey L. Greif and Rebecca L. Hegar, When Parents Kidnap. The Free Press, 1993) Usage Notes These are two lovely words. Amiable ultimately derives from Latin words meaning friendly and lovable. And amicable derives from the Latin for friend, which is related to love. But theyre used in different ways in English.Amiable people are friendly, likeable. An amiable mood, conversation, behavior, nature, etc., is friendly, kindly. likeable.Amiability is friendliness, likeability.Amicable relationships, talks, agreements, etc. are characterized by goodwill and a polite and friendly desire not to disagree.To do something amicably is to do it cordially, without quarreling.(Stephen Spector, May I Quote You on That? Oxford University Press, 2015) Practice (a) The bears and local citizens have an _____ truce, with residents often carrying out a small level of subsistence whaling to keep the polar bears from starving.(Waiting for Sunset: The Stunning Images of Polar Bears at Sundown in Alaska. Daily Express [UK], November 5, 2013)(b) Moments later the bus halts and Abu Riyad, an extremely _____ policeman with a fine sense of humor, climbs aboard and welcomes us to Jordan.(Carol Spencer Mitchell, Danger Pay: Memoir of a Photojournalist in the Middle East, 1984-1994. University of Texas Press, 2008) Answers to Practice Exercises Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words  Answers to Practice Exercises: Amiable and Amicable (a) The bears and local citizens have an amicable truce, with residents often carrying out a small level of subsistence whaling to keep the polar bears from starving.(Waiting for Sunset: The Stunning Images of Polar Bears at Sundown in Alaska. Daily Express [UK], November 5, 2013) (b) Moments later the bus halts and Abu Riyad, an extremely amiable policeman with a fine sense of humor, climbs aboard and welcomes us to Jordan.(Carol Spencer Mitchell, Danger Pay: Memoir of a Photojournalist in the Middle East, 1984-1994. University of Texas Press, 2008) Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Vulnerable Population and Self- Awareness Research Paper
Vulnerable Population and Self- Awareness - Research Paper Example Primarily, intellectual disability is associated with many stereotypes and myths by many individuals. The culture has engraved some biases and stereotypes on the condition, as well as on the individuals suffering from the condition. Moreover, some families are reluctant to seek medical intervention for fear of being stigmatized by the rest of the community, while other families have resulted in uncouth way of dealing with the sufferers. The result of this is that the sufferers of intellectual disabilities have agonized in this condition, which can otherwise be managed, treated or even reversed. One of the biases associated to intellectual disability sufferers is that they have a lower life expectancy compared to other normal people. However, studies have shown that there is no clear link between severity of intellectual disability and survival of individuals. In addition, research shows that â€Å"the average life expectancy were found to be 74.0, 67.6, and 58.6 years for people with mild, moderate, and severe levels of handicap†(Bittles, et al. 2001). On the other hand, the mild cognitive disability is said to be three times common than the other types. Moreover, there are diseases that are linked with people with mental retardation they include cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, vision, and hearing impairments and hyperactivity disorder. The number of people living with ID, getting married and raising a family has been rising in the recent years. This is unlike in the past when people with cognitive disability where thought to be unfit for this role, especially parenting; however, â€Å"with proper support, adequate education, counseling programmes, social and government support they can sustain meaningful enriching relationships†(May, 2000, p. 121). Despite this happening, compared to normal people, the couples with ID generally have lower family sizes, with
Monday, February 3, 2020
Mythology in Contemporary Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mythology in Contemporary Culture - Essay Example Perhaps the most famous of mythologies in the world is the one that Ancient Greece created. While most mythologies in other parts of the globe dealt with the macabre, the mythology of Greece lavished in stories of love and honor. Unlike other gods, the Greek gods were like humans; with good and bad qualities. They often fell in love and sometimes felt jealousy and hatred. Roman mythology is not far from the Greek one since they derived their stories from them. They merely changed the names of the deities but the stories remained the same. Popol Vuh, on the other hand is a book that contains the records of the mythological narratives and lineage of the rulers of the Quich Maya kingdom of highland Guatemala. This paper deals with contemporary things that echoes the influence of mythology from past times. In writing this paper, we can learn some of the things that are still rooted to common mythology and its impact to society's everyday lives. One of the most enduring of all human practices that has to do with mythology is our use of them in naming heavenly bodies. Let's start off with the planets. The first planet from the sun is Mercury. In Roman mythology, Mercury (Hermes in Greek) is one of the twelve primary gods (Dodekatheon) that reside in Olympus. As messenger of the gods, he is known to be the swiftest of them. It is no wonder that the fastest planet would be named from the fleet-footed Mercury. Another of these planets is Venus, known as the morning star for its brightness. As the goddess of beauty, it is quite explicit that the most brilliant star would be named after her. Our very own planet Earth is personified as Gaea (mother earth). Long before the emergence of the gods, t he earth was inhabited by the Titans. Gaea was one of them and she is married to Uranus (the heaven). Uranus in turn is where the name of the seventh planet is derived. One of Gaea and Uranus' children is Saturn, often identified with the Greek deity Cronus (time). Saturn is also known as the god of agriculture. After it was foretold that one of his children will vanquish him, Cronus devoured each of them after they are delivered. His sixth child, Zeus (Jupiter) was saved by his mother. When Jupiter was strong enough, he saved his siblings from the dreaded body of Cronus and became the leader of the Gods. As the king of heaven and earth and the strongest of them all, it is just obvious for people of modern times to name after him the largest of the planets in our solar system. The fourth planet from the sun, known as Mars, is named after the Roman god of war. It is part of the mythology that Venus fell in love with Mars; thus popularizing the symbols and , which are the symbols of Venus and Mars respectively. It is not hidden knowledge that these are the symbols for the feminine and the masculine; and commonly these symbols complement each other, the way the two deities complement their selves. The eight planet is named after Neptune, the Roman god of the sea and he is the brother of Jupiter. The last planet in our solar system is the Pluto. A small, cold, dark, rocky planet, it's identity is still a mystery to most scientists. However, it is not a mystery to us that the planet is just aptly named since Pluto
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer General Studies Essay
The Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer General Studies Essay Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer also known as Milwaukee monster was a notorious American serial killer and sexual offender in the 1980s and early 1990s. Across states his surname is actually synonymous with monster and with good reason. His victims were usually raped, tortured, dismembered. Jeffrey was a troubled child psychologically and his social skills had a lot to be desired. All the way through his upbringing he was ignored and had queer fantasies of cadavers. In his adulthood this psychosocial status quo didnt change and was in fact aggravated. This paper uses two criminological theories to scrutinize the life, personality, crimes and criminal behavior of Dahmer hereinafter referred to as Jeffrey. Through the social control theory and psychological theory, the paper will analyze the life of Jeffrey with respect to his criminal life. It will go on to try and find out if Jeffreys personality imbalances and socialization determined the course of his life. The validity of the two theories w ith respect to Jeffrey Dahmer lies in their outlook on the of impact socialization and psychological state of mind on criminology. It ends at a note of asking was Jeffreys socialization the problem or was it his psychological imbalances or was it a little of both worlds. Biography Dahmer was born Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer on May 21st, 1960 in West Allis, Wisconsin. He was born to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer after a difficult pregnancy; with frequent morning sickness and muscle spasms that had Joyce on prescription drugs. His being a normal fundamental American family, his childhood was just like that of any other American child. He had two parents who dearly and loved their only son at the time. Joyce actually had a scrap book where she recorded the events of her sons life; his first accident, his first step, his first tooth and even his first scolding. During Dahmers very tender age, his father an analytical chemist used to work long hours in his laboratory while his mother was a teletype machine instructor (Miller, Vandome, McBrewster, 2009). Due to their professional lives, Jeffrey did not have a strong bond with his family. From all accounts Dahmer was a happy child in a loving family who enjoyed typical toddler activities. Living with Lionels parents caused a lot of tension in the Dahmers marriage and they eventually moved to a place of their own in East Milwaukee. At the age of four, Jeffrey underwent a hernia operation which marked the beginning of his personality changes. He became less communicative and more isolated as the years dragged by. In 1966, the Dahmers moved to Bath, Ohio where his Lionel was supposed to further his chemistry studies. The house they lived in was surrounded by open forest and Jeffreys isolation grew as he could lose himself in his make believe world. During the move Joyce was pregnant and the marital problems recurred. In December of that year, Jeffreys little brother David was born just as the former was entering first grade (Miller, Vandome, McBrewster, 2009). The following year, the family moved again to Barberton, Ohio. The marital tensions increased when David suffer ed from colic. According to press history, at the age of eight, Jeffrey called a probation officer with claims of sexual molestation from a neighbor. This was ignored, adding to his list of rejection. Jeffreys school years were marked with his collection of dead animals and conducting experiments on them due his lack of socialization. Jeffrey was exposed to the world of chemistry at a very tender age and he explored it with his animals. He moved on to Revere high school where his loneliness continued for no matter how hard he tried he always was an outsider. Though he worked on the school newspaper, his shyness denied him the opportunity of making many friends. As in social control theory, he continually engaged in antisocial behavior. His grades were average and it is during this period that he developed a drinking problem. Most of his neighbors however remembered him as a shy boy whose loneliness took a toll on him psychologically. When Jeffrey was almost eighteen, Lionel and Joyce went their separate ways and divorced. Joyce went with David and Jeffrey was left with his father (Dahmer, 1994). The divorce was in itself a bitter parting and communication lines were cut entirely that Jeffrey didnt even have his mothers forwarding address. He graduated from high school and went on ahead to join Ohio State University. To camouflage his loneliness, most of his time here was spent drinking and skipping majority of his c lasses. His classmates were noted to avoid him and the director of national honor society blacked out a picture of Jeffreys that was eventually used for psychiatric evaluation during his trial. He consequently dropped out after two semesters. During this period, specifically in 1978 he started his criminal life by killing Steven Hicks (Davis, 1991). Lionel did not take his dropping from college well and he offered Jeffrey an ultimatum: to join the army or get a job. In 1979, Jeffrey enlisted in the army for six years and was sent to Germany. His loneliness induced drinking however persisted and he was discharged only after two years in 1981. Afraid of facing his father and with a ticket to wherever he wanted to go in the country, Jeffrey headed to Miami Beach, Florida. In Florida he spent his time at a hospital but he didnt last as he was once again kicked out due to his alcoholism. He went back home and his alcoholism saw to it that he was arrested in 1981 for a drunk and disorderly charge. In 1982, he moved in with his paternal grandmother in West Allis. During this time, his behavior grew increasingly strange as told by his grandmother. She found a stolen mannequin in his closet and a 357 magnum. It is also during this time that he was arrested again in 1982 and in 1986 for indecent exposure. Tired of his late nights, foul basement smells and general weird behavior his grandmother asked him to move out in the summer of 1988 (Miller, Vandome, McBrewster, 2009). Jeffrey moved to the west side of Milwaukee near his place of work, Ambrosia Chocolate Factory. Just a day after moving into his new apartment, Jeffrey was arrested for drugging and a sexually fondling a thirteen year old boy. He was sentenced to five years probation and was required to register as a sex offender. Shortly thereafter he began a string of murders that ended with his arrest in 1991 (Davis, 1991). After a two week trial, the courts found Jeffrey guilty of fifteen counts of first degree murder and convicted him for fifteen life terms a basic life sentence. Jeffrey served his time at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage Wisconsin. There were two attacks on his life the first in July 1994 where he was attacked with a razor blade and survived with shallow wounds. During the second attack in November 1994, Jeffrey and a fellow inmate were attacked with a bar from a weight machine and he succumbed to the head trauma (Davis, 1991). Personality Profile To discern what makes a serial killer like Dahmer function, it is necessary to look into their past particularly their childhood and puberty (Holmes Holmes, 1998). As revealed by his biography, Dahmer was a normal child who enjoyed the normal childhood activities. The social control theory and the psychological theory will thus be used to explain the metamorphosis in his character. The shift in his personality started when he was four and had to undergo a hernia operation. During this tough period of the surgery his mother was preoccupied with her own troubles and his father was busy building his career in chemistry. Jeffrey was left with no one to tell him what was going on with his life, why he was sick and why he had to go to the hospital for an operation. After the surgery, his personality began to change from being a jovial social child to a loner who was always withdrawn and uncommunicative. He rarely disobeyed his parents and as a result Lionel took this personality changes a s a sign of obedience. His happy facial expressions transformed from a happy childhood smiles to a motionless, blank stare he wore until the end of his time (Miller, Vandome, McBrewster, 2009). Throughout his childhood his parents were always involved in squabbles and young Jeffrey took all this to heart. Eventually they ended up splitting up and with a bitter divorce Jeffrey lost contact with his mother and younger brother David. Dahmers history of desertion left him with feelings of loss and rejection. This rejection situation fueled the already withdrawn personality of Jeffrey. After they moved to Bath his insecurities were heightened and his shy nature ensured that he had few friends. When most people his age were playing video games and listening to last music, Jeffrey turned to his make believe world in the forest around their home. His favorite past time was collecting road kill, stripping the animal carcasses and saving the bones. This love of carcasses and bones had actually begun when he was four. His father took this as the love of chemistry and he took him to his lab where Jeffrey was clearly fascinated by the bones. Lionel went on ahead to get Jeffrey his first chemistry set when he was in elementary school. With the set he used acid to scrape the meat off dead animals noted his step mother Shari (Dahmer, 1994). As a teenager, Jeffrey had fantasies about killing and mutilating men. Unlike most serial killers Jeffreys fantasies revolved around passive sex leading to his necrophilia. This could be one of the reasons why he killed his victims. So any other idle time he had from collecting road kill, he spent it deep inside the world of his fantasies. In the neighborhood, Jeffrey was suspected of killing animals just to add on to his collection. Even in puberty his non confrontational attitude towards his parents was not taken as a sign of isolation (Miller, Vandome, McBrewster, 2009). During his high school years, Jeffrey continued to be a loner. Unknown to anyone Jeffrey was slowly mentally disintegrating due to his loneliness and in 1978 he acted out his fantasies after high school. His first victim was Steven Hicks. As later told by Jeffrey, he killed Steven because the latter wanted to leave (Davis, 1991). It is however important to note that Jeffrey was a well spoken man who gave no indications of his criminal tendencies. During one of the near escapes of one of his victims Konerak, Jeffrey was seen by the police as intelligent, soft spoken and very calm. He was so smooth talking that the police believed his story that the young boy was his lover; he was just so drunk over the incoherent Konerak. He even went ahead to apologize to the police promising of avoiding a recurrence of his lover behavior. This could be a reason why it took so long before he was discovered. It has thus been noted that Jeffrey Dahmer was a very complex man suffering from mixed personalities (Stone, 2006) Criminal Behavior Criminal behavior comprises of a large number and diversity of acts. These ranges from actions that violate the law, violate morality, violate norms of religion or violate customs and tradition (Helfgott, 2008). In the context of this paper Dahmers criminal behavior include the actions that he did that were influenced by his psychological state of mind and his socialization. Dahmers psychological fantasies included a chain of crimes against his victims corpses. For most of his victims the scene was the same and it more often than not began with consensual sex. He would often meet his victims in gay bars and go with them to his apartment often after enticing them with free booze or money. Once the consensual sex was over, he would drug them, sometimes kill them and then kill them usually by strangulation or by stabbing (Miller, Vandome, McBrewster, 2009). He would then masturbate over the cadaver or have sex with the dead body. His next step was usually dismembering where he cut up the corpse into parts using his power saw. With the use of acid he removed the meat from the skulls and kept them as achievement trophies of his collection . In addition to the skulls, he usually stored other body parts like the heart in his refrigerator or in vaults and he ate these parts on occasion. Their genitalia were also kept as memoirs while the muscles were kept for f uture use (Davis, 1991). Suffice to say Jeffrey also performed lobotomies on some of his victims. To some he went on ahead to drill a hole in their skulls and pour some acid. This made the victim stay alive but in a zombie like state for days. From the things found in his house on his arrest, it was found that Jeffrey used chloroform to drug his victims. The male genitalia were preserved in formaldehyde. Simply put, Jeffrey was a serial killer who killed his victims brutally, had sex with their corpses, dismembered them and later ate some of the parts (Davis, 1991). Crimes/ Murders Jeffrey Dahmer admitted to a series of gruesome murders of seventeen men during his thirteen years killing spree, spanning from 1978 to 1991 when he was arrested. Most of his victims were young and belonged to minority groups like people of color. Due to the number of victims and the complexities in each of the individual cases, this paper will give a general overview of the crimes. It is worth noting that in all his crimes, Jeffrey acted out his psychological imbalances which were influenced by his rejection by society. Jeffrey committed his first murder in the summer of 1978. His father and stepmother had gone away and he had the house to himself. Jeffrey picked up a 19 year old hitchhiker, Steven Hicks and invited him to his house. The two drank beer and had sex. However when Hicks was ready to leave, Jeffrey hit Hicks with a barbell and killed him. Jeffrey, acting out his sense of rejection later said that he killed Hicks because Hicks wanted to leave and Jeffey didnt want him to . He then cut up the body into parts which he put into garbage bags and buried around his fathers property. Years later he dug up the bag, crushed the bones covering his tracks (Davis, 1991). He went through a period of nine years without killing anyone but was arrested for sexual offences like indecent exposure. Because of the embarrassment he was causing Lionel sent him to his grandmother. In 1987 while on probation for his molestation charges, Jeffrey met Steven Tourmi at a gay club called 219. They went to the Ambassador hotel, got intoxicated and passed out. Dahmer claimed that when he woke Tourmi was dead and he wouldnt remember the events of the previous night. He subsequently put the corpse in a suitcase, took it to his grandmothers basement where he had sex with the corpse, masturbated on it and dismembered it. He then put the parts in garbage parts and threw them away (Davis, 1991). After Tourmi, Jeffrey struck twice in 1988 and once in 1989. In 1990 his grandmother asked him to move out. Once again rejected he had the domain of acting out his psychological fantasies. With his own place and no one to be bothered by his queerness and foul smells, the speed of his killing increased. As a result the murders of Eddie Smith, Ricky Beeks, Earnest Miller and David Thomas marked the christening of the infamous apartment in 1990 (Davis, 1991). Two more murders in 1991preceded the murder of Konerak Sinthasomphone. His story was probably one of the most covered in the press as he had gotten a chance of escaping. When the police arrived, Jeffrey was also there and he smooth talked the police into believing that Konerak was his lover. The police ignored the two women and went with Jeffrey to his apartment where he showed them pictures and clothes of Konerak. By virtue of this and not believing the incoherent Konerak the police left the boy with Jeffrey who later killed and d ismembered the boy (Davis, 1991). By summer of 1991, Jeffreys killings escalated with his sense of loneliness. He went to killing an average of one person per week. July nineteenth marked the last of victims who were to die by Jeffreys hand. His last murder victim was twenty five year old Joseph Bradehoft. Three days later, specifically on the twenty second of July, Jeffrey lured Tracy Edwards into his home; a man who turned out to be the end of Jeffreys killing spree. As later narrated by Edwards, Jeffrey tried to cuff Edwards but was unable to do so. Jeffrey proceeded to yield a butcher knife and force Edwards into the bedroom telling him how he will savor the latters heart (Davis, 1991). In the bedroom, Edwards saw pictures of assaulted men and took in the foul sense in the room. He thus punched Jeffrey and ran on to the streets where he flagged a police car and led them back to Jeffreys place. Once again, he tried playing his smooth talker card but Edwards remembered the butcher knife. The contents of the house led to the arrest of Jeffrey Dahmer (Davis, 1991). Policy Implications of the Jeffrey Dahmer Case Jeffrey Dahmers story is one of the stories that will be remembered millions of years for sparking debates on reviews of American policies. The core implications are on social and psychological principles. The social control theory and the psychological theory with respect to Dahmers life offers policy consequences that include education that helps kids in development of socialization skills through involvement, parenting programs aimed at proper creation of social bonds and diversion programs for delinquents to alter their psychosocial states. The significance of Jeffreys case awoke the debate on social implications due to the removal of the death penalty. The fact that Jeffrey was killed while serving his sentence raised questions on the ability of the American society to manage crime without capital punishment (Holmes Holmes, 1998). The case also highlighted a lot of policy reforms needed in the police sector. Many critics felt that Konerak could have been easily the killers last victim if the police had taken the time to carry more investigative work. In addition, by virtue of how Jeffrey disposed of his body it has been noted that in solving a serial killers cold case geographical profiling could be a step in the right direction. The policy implications of his case also spawned on lust killing and sexual disorders research. From the case, substantial progress has been made in the development of methods aimed at identifying sexual disorders at an early age. The causal link between lust killing and personality imbalances has also been further explored. The study of Jeffreys case has thus illuminated links between disorders like substance abuse and killing. This has served in the development of policies aimed at treating these disorders instead of dealing with their consequences (Silva, Ferrari, Leong, 1997). The opinions on how the criminal incidents of Jeffrey could have been prevented are many and varied. But one common factor is the Konerak story. In the minds of many people who have come across the young boys story is a picture of the boy running for his life. And many more people believe that his life could have been saved were the police more careful. The role of parents in the socialization process can thus be ignored only at the peril of the society. Conclusion The idea behind social control theory and psychological theory is that everyone has the capability to commit a crime and this could be very well influenced by their psychological state of mind. Jeffrey Dahmer was an intensely troubled child who grew up in an environment rejecting him fuelling his loneliness. As an adult his instability only escalated. This has revealed that parental upbringing is of core importance in a childs development of social skills. As seen with Jeffrey Dahmer he did not receive that socialization bond be it with his parent or other people in his life. All the way through his childhood, Jeffrey Dahmer was ignored and developed a way of perceiving himself as an outsider, rejected by society. This loneliness and sense of rejection grew until it aggravated his compulsion to commit the monstrous crimes of murder, necrophilia, and cannibalism. As seen from his biography he didnt have close relationships that could have deterred him from committing the crime as the social control theory suggests. In his loneliness Jeffrey filled that void with dismembering animals, a behavior later seen in his crimes. It can thus be concluded that creation and nurturing of social bonds are very essential in childhood socialization and in the development of stable psychological state of mind.
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