Tuesday, December 24, 2019
What is Supply Chain Management Essay - 1492 Words
Introduction: With the advent of globalization and continuous evolution in technology in the last 4 decades, the whole structure of organizations have evolved. Globalization has led to the downfall, of once successful, companies which were stagnant while led to exponential growth of continuously evolving companies. Supply chain, which was once considered a small part of operations, has now become one of the most important departments. â€Å"The term Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities.†as quoted by the council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.[1] In current competitive environment, to attain utmost†¦show more content†¦Though large corporations have successfully employed RFID in their supply chain, smaller suppliers are still reluctant in employing it due to the cost factor. This report focuses on benefits and challenges in use of RFID in supply chain management and its future prospects. RFID Technology: Identifying any object using radio frequency is termed as RFID. The major advantage of RFID over barcodes is that using RFID items can be scanned even if they are not in line of sight and that too without manual support. [4] RFID network consists of three major components: RFID tag or transponder, Antenna or receiver and reader. †¢ RFID Tag or transponder: A RFID tag or a transponder is a small microchip attached to the product to be tracked. The information about the product such as the manufacturing date, price, and expiry date is stored on this chip. When a field is generated by the receiver or antenna the transponder sends the information to the antenna which is attached to the reader or the middleware. Varied types of tags are available, in different cost levels, these days which can perform specific functions. Majorly tags are classified as active and passive tags. Active tags are powered by batter while the passive tags work using the energy of reader. †¢ Antenna: An antenna or a receiver is a device attached toShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Supply Chain Management? Essay2257 Words  | 10 Pagestheir environmental foot-print. It’s because of this push from consumers about making products sustainable and he companies have had to implement their sustainable and green supply chain management (GSCM). These GSCM’s are designed to take on old supply chain management systems by reducing the environmental costs of the supply chain. However there is no one industry normal way of doing this and there are many different reasoning’s as to why a company would want to have a GSCM system. In the literatureRead MoreWhat ´s Supply Chain Management?555 Words  | 2 PagesSupply chain management involves planning and coordinating the activities of organizations across the supply chain. 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CERTIFICATION STATEMENT This is to certify and say as follows, 1) That the information provided in this research paper is my own product. 2) That where languages or words or quotation from others papers such as articles, books and journals is used, such have been indicated by quotation marks and appropriate credits have been given to acknowledge the works of such writers or authors. 3) ThatRead MoreExamine the Strategic Importance of Supply Chain Management to a Manufacturing Firm. What Are the Major Types of Supply Chain Strategies Open to Such a Firm?1030 Words  | 5 PagesSCM is the management of a network of interconnected businesses (such as distributors, wholesalers and retailers) involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers. It spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption (supply chain). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Archimedes Was a Mathematician and Inventor of Ancient Free Essays
Archimedes was so brilliant that he is still considered by most historians throughout time as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Archimedes was a mathematician and inventor of Ancient Greece born on 287 B. C. We will write a custom essay sample on Archimedes Was a Mathematician and Inventor of Ancient or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Syracuse on the island of Sicily. His father was an astronomer named Aphid’s. It is said that Archimedes was known to be a relative of Hirer II. Hirer was the king of Syracuse during the life of Archimedes. Throughout their lives they were very close friends. However besides his father’s name and occupation and his relationship with Hirer nothing else is really known about any other members of Archimedes family. At one point of Archimedes life it was his inventions that delayed the capture of Syracuse by the Romans. Archimedes remained in Syracuse for most of his life except when he went to school in Alexandria. Since Greeks loved to learn and be full of knowledge they would send their sons to schools to become wise Greek citizens. Archimedes had one of the best educations as a boy. When he was in his teens Archimedes traveled to Alexandria and went to one of the most famous schools of thematic that had been founded by Euclid. There he studied astronomy, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, astrology, geography, surveying, mechanics, and alchemy with many other brilliant minds of his time. Various subjects he studied when he was younger were poetry, politics, astronomy, mathematics, music, art, and military tactics. His professor was named Cocoon of Samos. Cocoon was a tremendous Influence in Archimedes’ life. He taught Archimedes various things about science and life. Due to the fact he studied In Alexandria It became the biggest foundation on which he built his career as a scientist and mathematician. Archimedes had many eclectic Investigations, but he was mostly known for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and Its circumscribing cylinder, for his formulation of a hydrostatic principle: Archimedes’ principle, and for Inventing the Archimedes’ screw (a device for raising water). One of Archimedes’ few Principals states: an object immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force that is equal in magnitude to the force of gravity on the displaced fluid. Archimedes had other inventions up his sleeve some were the hydraulic screw – for raising water from a lower to a enlarger level, catapult, ten lever, ten compound pulley Ana ten During mirror which was a machine Archimedes invented used as war weapon; these machines especially helped in the defense against the Romans when they attacked under the command of Marcella. In mechanics Archimedes also discovered fundamental theorems having to do with the center of gravity of solids and plane figures. Now even in this modern era we still use Archimedes inventions in many ways. The water screw is Just one out of many inventions we use. The water screw is used for raising water using an encased screw that opens at both ends. The screw has to be set at an angle and as it turns, water fills air pockets and is transported upwards. Out of his other inventions he achieved during his life we also use the lever. Levers are basic tools, and many of the simple tools we use today, use levers in some way. For example; scissors, pliers, hammer claws, nutcrackers, and tongs. We still even use his mathematical discoveries. Due to his inventions he made life impeller for us today. Archimedes’ legend is still alive to this day. I think Archimedes was a great mathematician and inventor who inspired many others to perfect his discoveries and to carve the way to ones made in the future. Those discoveries have affected our ways of living in a good way. I believe his legend would indeed be greater if more people knew what he was trying to accomplish and what good it would do for them. Even so, his ideas were rediscovered in the middle ages and, fortunately, they are being worked on like many other discoveries that have been add. How to cite Archimedes Was a Mathematician and Inventor of Ancient, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Statistics and Business Research Method on Business
Question: Discuss about the Statistics and Business Research Method on Business. Answer: Introduction: Advertisement describes paid form of non-personal communication that organizations utilize in order to provide information to the target audience (Chang 2014). Thus, it reflects that any promotional activity must have to in the paid form in order to be called as advertisement. Organizations utilize advertisement for creating awareness regarding the kind of products and services they will provide to the customers. In the present competitive business environment, organizations focus on the effective utilization of several techniques of advertisement in order to create positive impact on the business perspectives. It has been evaluated that advertisement can actually create major impact on the business development perspectives. For that reason, majority of the organizations tries to utilize all the forms of advertisement in order to fulfil all business objectives. Furthermore, competitive business environment has also induced organizations to consider all possible strategies so that it can actually able to create maximum amount of positive impact on the business perspectives. In this study, the focus will be on the evaluation of the kind of impact that advertisement can have on businesses of the organizations. The study will also will try to highlight the expected amount of positive and negative impact that advertisement can have on the businesses. Literature review: Effectiveness of advertisement: Effectiveness of the advertisement can be reflected as the extent to which a particular advertisement can able to create desired impact on the business perspectives. As per the article by Nettelhorst and Brannon (2012), measuring the impact of advertisement is extremely important, as organizations have to invest huge amount of money for sharing information through the advertisement. However, it is very difficult to utilize any global measure regarding the effectiveness of the advertisement. Therefore, organizations have to focus on several factors like marketing policies, behavior, and financial decisions at the time of evaluating the kind of impact that advertisement can have to on the businesses. As mentioned by Chang (2014) advertisement often interacts with several variables related to business. Furthermore, advertisement also focuses on the environment variables like economic conjuncture and competition in order to create desired impact on the businesses. Several studies have me ntioned that advertisement can create both short-term and long-term impact on the mind of the potential customers (Vasseur 2016). Technological evaluation has provided huge amount of opportunities for the organizations to utilize different platforms for the effective utilization of advertisement. Advertisement platforms like television and social media allows organizations to target large number of customers in an appropriate way. Chih-Chung, Chang and Lin (2012) have highlighted two basic models namely The dichotomous model and The three-dimensional model for the proper evaluation of the effectiveness of the advertisement. The dichotomous model: As per the article by Goyal and Sharma (2014) the dichotomous model is primarily utilize in the brand or product advertisement. The model focuses on two factors including sales effect and communication effect in order to estimate the kind of impact that advertisement can have on the businesses of the organization. Sales effect reflects the evaluation of capability of advertising to create impact on the total volume of sales regardless on the influence of any other external factors. As opined by Yeh (2015) the effectiveness of advertisement will have to be evaluated on the kind of short-term impact it can have on the on the overall sales volume for a particular organization. Marginal theory is among the popular way to measure the performance level of advertisement. For that reason, advertisement is regarded as an independent factor that can be utilize with other marketing factors in order to create major impact on the several dependent variable like sales for the organization (Ganesan , Sridhar and Priyadharsani 2016). Organizations aim to utilize all the independent and dependent variables effectively so that it can create maximum impact on the businesses. On the other hand, communication effect refers to the ability so share important messages to the target markets effectively. As per the article by Dwivedi and Bansal (2014), organizations can utilize different approaches including sociological, semiotic, psychological and socio-psychological. Sociological analysis focuses on considering a particular community in order to evaluate the social rules and social norms are implemented in that particular community. It helps advertisement to communicate messages in such a way so that every people in the community can able to understand the message in an appropriate way. Semiotic analysis focuses on particular symbols like gesture, words, dance and images that can convey specific meaning. It helps to share messages to the target market in such a way so that it can able to create best possible impact on the business. As per the article by Aguirre et al. (2015), motivation has the potential to affect the behavior of the customers in a major way . The psychological communication approach focuses on the enhancement of the motivational level of the potential customers so that it can able to create desired amount of impact on the businesses. Finally, socio-psychological approach examines the effectiveness of advertisement concerning persuasiveness. It also observes the expected formation process of memory, attention, behavior and attitude. However, the dichotomous model also has gone through several criticisms. The model is concerned about the partial assessment but it does not focus too much on providing reliable breakdowns of the impacts that can be achieved by advertisement or other company politics like communication and marketing. The three-dimensional model: The three-dimensional models (i.e. Dagmar model and AIDA model) utilize both planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of the advertisement campaigns. These models propose a hierarchy of cognitive affect, behavioral and communication that can help to evaluate the kind of impact advertisement can have on the businesses. As per the article by Kim and Joo (2015) cognitive dimension analysis focuses on the understanding of the messages and also storing it in an appropriate way so that it can be utilized for the future enhancement process of the advertisement. On the other hand, the affective dimension is related to the attitude towards the perception of the communication that advertisement utilize in order to enhance the businesses in an effective way (Gilbert-Diamond et al. 2016). It also helps to investigated the kind of emotional acceptance that a particular advertisement has able to create on the mind of the potential customers. Thus, it helps to evaluate different opinions of the customers regarding the effectiveness of the advertisements so that it can able to create good image in the market successfully (Gierl and Schneider 2016). As per the article by Shea (2015), the behavioral dimension reflects the changes in the intentions and buying behavior of the customers that affect the effectiveness of the advertisement. Thus, three-dimensional models are primarily focused towards prime elements like recipients (memory, audience and storage) and feedback (behavior, opinion and attitude). However, in this present competitive business environment, organization focusing on the utilization of different platform in order to create maximum impact on the business. Utilization of electronic media and social media has increases the complexity of advertisement (Choi and Yu 2013). For that reason, three-dimensional models focus on the utilization of effective communication process in the advertisement campaign so that it can able to create maximum impact on the market. Literature gap: The above discussion highlights the fact that advertisement can create serious impact on the business perspectives. However, technological upgradation has provided organizations more options to create desired amount of impact through advertisement. In fact, social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter has provided organizations to capture global customers through very little investment compared to any other advertisement platform. Therefore, it has become very difficult for the organizations to evaluate the exact amount of impact that advertisement can have on the businesses. Research questions: In order to evaluate the effect of advertisement on businesses, the research questions are developed as follows: Is advertisement has the capability to create major impact on the profit level of the organization? How utilization of different media for advertisement can create positive impact on the profit level of the organization? Which media can have maximum amount of impact on the businesses? What will be the suggested way of utilizing advertisement so that it can able to create maximum impact on the businesses? Research methodology: Research outline: Research outline focuses on the evaluation of all the factors related to research study. In order to analysis the expected impact of advertisement on business, the outline of the research includes elements like research design, research approach, research philosophy, data collection and analysis procedure. The research study will focus on the effective evaluation of all the factors in order to identify the best possible way to analyze the kind impact that advertisement can have on the businesses. Thus, in order to analyze the effect of advertisement on business, the research study will select positivism research philosophy, deductive approach and descriptive research design. The research study will also focus on the effective utilization of primary and secondary data collection procedure so that research study can able to fulfill all its objectives. Furthermore, the research study will utilize quantitative and qualitative procedure in order to identify the expected amount of impact t hat advertisement can have on the businesses. Research philosophy: As highlighted by Akhlaq and Akhtar (2015) research philosophy plays a critical role in successful completion of any research study. Generally, research philosophy can be divided into three parts namely interpretivism, positivism and realism. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisement, positivism research philosophy will be selected, as it will the research study to analyze different factors in an appropriate way. Positivism research philosophy will also provide assistance on the effective utilization of the research topic. It also helps the research study to include hidden information effectively. On the other hand, the research study will not utilize other philosophies, as it will prolong the stipulated time for the successful completion of the research study. Research approach: Research approach is another important aspect that can create positive impact on the effective evaluation of the advertisement on businesses. Research approach helps to include in-depth information and knowledge about the topic. Inductive and deductive are two prime approaches that research study includes in order to fulfill all the objectives in an appropriate manner (Wang and Schaefer 2014). However, in order to evaluate the effect of advertisement on business, deductive research approach will be chosen. Deductive approach allows the research study to include several theories and concept related to the topic. Thus, inclusion of many theories and model related to research study actually assists the study to add value, which eventually creates positive impact on the successful fulfillment of the research study. On the other hand, the research study will not consider inductive approach, as the study does not require inclusion of any new concepts. Research design: As per the article by Furnham and Goh (2014) research design helps the research study to structure information in a proper way. Traditionally, research design can be divided into three parts explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. In order to evaluate the effect of advertisement on business, the study will utilize descriptive design, as it will help to analyze relevant data related to research study in an effective manner. It also will create positive impact on measuring all the prime factors related to research proposal effectively. Project plan: Figure 1: Gnat chart (Source: As created by author) Research process: As highlighted by Jeong and Jang (2016) development of research process is extremely important is extremely important for the successful completion of the research study. For the evaluation of the kind of effect that advertisement can have on the business, the research study will focus on the systematic implementation of procedure. Firstly, the study will develop an overview of the research topic in order to develop clear aim and objectives. In the second step, the focus will be on the development of the literature review. In this portion, the study will include in-depth secondary information so that it can able to evaluate the previous researches in an effective manner. The study will also include several theories and model in order to create additional value to the research study. In the third step, the research study will focus on the selection of research methodology so that it can able to fulfill all the requirements in an appropriate manner. Forth step will include data collect ion and analysis procedure, as it will help the study to utilize collected data in an appropriate way. Fifth step will include assessment of expected outcomes, as it will help the study to conduct the research methodology in an effective way. Figure 2: Research process (Source: As created by author) Data collection and analysis: As per the article by Marian (2016), effective utilization data collection procedure is extremely important for fulfilling all the objectives of the research. Generally, secondary and primary are the two form of data collection procedure that research studies utilize for the successful fulfillment of the research. For the evaluation of the kind of impact that advertisement can have on the businesses, the research study will consider primary data collection procedure. The study will consider primary procedure, as it can provide practical information regarding the kind of impact that advertisement can have on the businesses. Furthermore, the study will utilize both quantitative and qualitative form of data techniques in order to gather relevant information regarding the impact of advertisement of businesses. The research study will utilize two separate set of questionnaires for the collection of quantitative and qualitative information regarding the research topic. In the quantitative questionnaire, only closed-end questions will be included. On the other hand, qualitative questionnaire will only have descriptive questions. The research study will select 75 executive level marketing personnel in order to capture quantitative information regarding the kind of impact that advertisement can have on the businesses. The research study will utilize online survey technique for the collection of effective quantitative information. In case of the collection of qualitative information, the research study will select 10 manager level marketing personnel. Face-to-face interview will be conducted in order to identify different perspective of the managers in an appropriate manner. It can be mentioned that the study will utilize non-probability sampling techniques in order to select the respondents. The selection of non-probability sampling technique will help the research study to capture relevant information in an appropriate way. Moreover, the research study will utilize different statistical tools including mean, median and mode for the effective evaluation of the data. The research study will also include statistical tools like correlation and regression techniques so that it can able to fulfill its objectives in an appropriate manner. Research outcomes: The above discussion highlighted the fact that effective utilization of advertisement is necessary for all the organizations regardless of industry in order to achieve sustainable growth in the market. Furthermore, the research study is expected to depict that organizations will have to utilize different platforms in order to create maximum impact for the advertisement. It is also expected that the research study will able to suggest a way through which organization can actually enhances the effectiveness of the advertisement for the development of business perspectives. References: Aguirre, E., Mahr, D., Grewal, D., de Ruyter, K. and Wetzels, M., 2015. Unraveling the personalization paradox: the effect of information collection and trust-building strategies on online advertisement effectiveness.Journal of Retailing,91(1), pp.34-49. Akhlaq, R.M.S. and Akhtar, M., 2015. Relationship of Advertisement and Brand Awareness in Telecom Sector of Pakistan.Social and Basic Sciences Research Review,3(11), pp.406-413. Chang, C.Y., 2014. The Relationship between Mobile Text Message Content and Advertisement Effect-A case study of the mansion agency. Chang, H.H., 2014. The Effect of Advertisement on Amateur Photographers Brand Switching. Chih-Chung, C., Chang, C. and Lin, L.W.C., 2012. The effect of advertisement frequency on the advertisement attitude-the controlled effects of brand image and spokesperson's credibility.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,57, pp.352-359. Choi, Y. and Yu, S., 2013. The effect of the usage motivations, the benefits and the factors of losses of Interactive Participatory Advertisement on usage intention of advertisement.Journal of Convergence Information Technology,8(14), p.515. Dwivedi, N. and Bansal, A., 2014, September. Effect of advertisement and sponsored links on search engines: Comparative study. InConfluence The Next Generation Information Technology Summit (Confluence), 2014 5th International Conference-(pp. 915-918). IEEE. Furnham, A. and Goh, M.F., 2014. Effects of program advertisement congruity and advertisement emotional appeal on memory for health and safety advertisements.Journal of Applied Social Psychology,44(1), pp.60-70. Ganesan, P., Sridhar, M. and Priyadharsani, S., 2016. Advertisement attitude, brand attitude and purchase intention-reciprocal and mediation effect study.International Journal of Business Excellence,9(4), pp.488-510. Gierl, H. and Schneider, T., 2016. Put It on the Right Side: The Effect of Print Advertisement Location on Product Evaluation. InAdvances in Advertising Research (Vol. VII)(pp. 183-198). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Gilbert-Diamond, D., Emond, J., Lansigan, R.K., Rapuano, K., Kelley, W., Heatherton, T. and Sargent, J., 2016. Television food advertisement exposure and FTO genotype in relation to excess consumption in children.The FASEB Journal,30(1 Supplement), pp.276-7. Goyal, M. and Sharma, J., 2014, September. Effect of Advertisement on the Brand Preference (A Case Study of College Going Students). InNational Conference IAEISDISE(Vol. 2014, pp. 12-13). Jeong, E. and Jang, S., 2016. Moderating effects of self-image congruity on the relationship between advertisement message strength and revisiting intention.Journal of Foodservice Business Research, pp.1-11. Kim, D. and Joo, J., 2015. Research on Advertisement Effect according to Degree of Expectation on Creative Commercial Photography. Marian, M.M.N., 2016. Evaluation of the effect of quality of services on customer satisfaction and mouth advertisement.International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926,1(1), pp.1567-1585. Nettelhorst, S.C. and Brannon, L.A., 2012. The effect of advertisement choice on attention.Computers in Human Behavior,28(2), pp.683-687. Shea, C.E., 2015. The Effect of Written Message Appeals in Advertisements on Attitudes toward a Weight-Loss Supplement and the Product Advertisement. Vasseur, J.P., Cisco Technology, Inc., 2016.Method and apparatus to reduce cumulative effect of dynamic metric advertisement in smart grid/sensor networks. U.S. Patent 9,325,626. Wang, Z. and Schaefer, H.M., 2014. Limits of selection against cheaters: birds prioritise visual fruit advertisement over taste.Oecologia,174(4), pp.1293-1300. Yeh, S.Y., 2015. The Effect of Digital Marketing of Movies on the Audiences Involvement and Attitude toward the Advertisement. Research outcomes:
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Power Relations in Greco
Several literatures available describe the position men and women occupied in the Greco-Roman mythology, with the most interesting consideration being on the position of the women in the Greek and Roman societies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Power Relations in Greco-Roman Myth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In these societal settings, women were no better than slaves who often had no power, thus they had to be submissive to their masters. There was much discrimination against women in these societies, with women being subjected to some restricted form of life. They were denied permission to argue publicly to over any issue and they had to be submissive to the men’s directives. Men only turn to obtain support from women when they were faced with certain difficulties. Frequent suppression of mortal women by mortal men is depicted in the Greek and Roman mythologies. Women’s uprising against socie tal expectation is the most significant aspect of power structure to be considered in this paper. Women attempt to use their power of love to outdo the men’s authority. However, such powers do not last long, and after some time, men assume the authority. Thesis Statement In The Epic of Gilgamesh, a promiscuous woman was used to illuminate on the position given to the women in the society. In this context, women in the society are depicted as tools that become useful to men only when the men are faced with difficult situations. Through their sexual attraction, men use women to lure strong male opponents who are threats in the world of the living. In providing this service, the women are not to exercise their individual powers. They have to go by the directives of the males. After defeating such key opponents, their power and role seem to have been brought to an end (Assyrian International News Agency, n.d). Women’s position in society as seen in the Greco-Roman mytholog y In the Greco-Roman mythology, mortal women are seen to be powerless in the society, as compared to their immortal counterparts. The latter are portrayed to have some powers, and men seek their advice and intervention in times of difficulties. In the world, women only have the power of love to win the hearts of men. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the tale unfolds with the people’s lamentation of the deeds of Gilgamesh, the fifth king of Uruk after the flood and the son of Ninsun, a goddess. They wonder if these are the right deeds required of the shepherd of the city (The Epic of Gilgamesh, n.d, p.3). Gilgamesh had other powers and new all that was taking place everywhere in the country. The people lament to the gods that Gilgamesh is taking away sons daughters of men and no one is strong enough to stand before him.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They plead that gods c reate another strong man that can match his strength and might, so that peace could be restored in the lad of Uruk. The gods understand their plea and Aruru, the goddess of creation, creates another man Enkidu. However, Enkidu takes to the wilderness, lives, and is associated with wild beasts. It is at this point that a trapper encounters Enkidu in the wilderness. He (Enkidu) loosens all the traps laid by the trapper; he fills the pits drug by the trapper and frees the wild animals caught in the trap. To this state, there are problems that need a solution. Firstly, Enkidu was in the wilderness yet he was to use his might to counteract that of Gilgamesh. It is necessary that he be lured to come to the land of cultivation. Secondly, Enkidu is strong and mighty and the trapper cannot face him. When he reports to his father about the strong man in the wilderness, the father suggests that he visits Gilgamesh to seek information on the source of Enkidu’s powers. The father also sug gests that a promiscuous woman be brought from the Temple of love to overpower the man from the wilderness through her love (The Epic of Gilgamesh, n.d, p.5). The trapper follows all the directives and succeeds in managing the wild man. The woman goes ahead to convince Enkidu to live the wilderness and come to the land of cultivation, where he would latter meet Gilgamesh and become his servant and co-warrior. The position of women in the Greek and Roman mythologies is revealed in how the harlot was used to tame Enkidu and make the wild beasts run away from him. The women have to be submissive to the directives of the men. ‘There he is. Now, woman, make your breasts bare, have no shame, do not delay, but welcome his love. Let him see you naked; let him possess your body. When he comes near uncover yourself and lie with him’ (The Epic of Gilgamesh, n.d, p.5). These were the directives of the trapper to the promiscuous woman as Enkidu approached the drinking hole with the other wild animals. There is no objection given by the woman in relation to the statements. She is seen to be obedient to all the directives and makes love with Enkidu. The women are seen as tools to obtain the solution to problems that face men. Having obtained the solution, the role of the woman seems to diminish and she goes underground. This is evident when the harlot manages to help the trapper in the hands of Enkidu. After succeeding in taming Enkidu and making the wild beasts reject him, the trapper appears to have no more business with the harlot. Similarly, after introducing Enkidu to the palace where Gilgamesh stays, the role of the harlot seems to diminish and the tale takes a different direction. The fate of the daughters of men in the in the ancient society was also determined by their fathers. The father would arrange for the marriage of her daughter in some manner accepted by the laws of the society. This was at times ignored, and a father would force her daughter to marry a man of his choice and the daughter did not have to compromise.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Power Relations in Greco-Roman Myth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is seen in the Hymn to Demeter where a father arranges for her daughter to be abducted. Zeus, the ruler of the upper world, arranges for the marriage of Persephone, her daughter, to Hades, the king of the underworld (Anonymous, 2002, p.33). Contrary to the people’s expectations that a man arranges for the formal marriage of his daughter, Zeus takes part in the arrangements to abduct Persephone when she is in the playgrounds, away from Demeter, her mother (Anonymous, 2002, p.33). Some versions of the myth even claim that the father also took part in the abduction. The daughter cries for help and seeks support from her father, who has distanced himself from the scenario and is thus not available for the support. Zeus planning for the informal marriage of her daughter without the knowledge of his wife brings the picture of what men think of the women in these societies. Another legend that depicts the position of the women in the ancient Greek and Roman societies is that of King Oedipus of Thebes as illustrated by Sigmund Freud. Having killed his father who was the Theban king unknowingly, and having solved a riddle, the Thebans makes him their king. As reward, he is given Jocarta, the former king’s wife, and who is his biological mother, to be his wife (Freud, n.d, p.70). Again, women are portrayed here as powerless individuals and the men can dictate the different aspects of their lives. Their sexual charm can be used to reward other men who have been of significance to the society. Conclusion The struggle by women to struggle to obtain power in the society faces such problems. It is the belief of the men that the women have to obey the orders provided by the men. There are beliefs that even if women we re to be given the power to exercise their authority over men, they would not have the ability to do so. The power to rule would naturally be relinquished to the men. The quest of the women to seek and obtain power in the society is also impeded by a belief in some of the women. Some of the women are depicted to have surrendered the authority to the men and are not attempting to make their individual discretions. The promiscuous woman who follows the directives by the trapper shows the proportion of women who do not have their fundamental principles, or if they do have, then the principles are inferior to the men’s principles. References Anonymous. (2002). The Homeric Hymn to Demeter. (Attached material). Assyrian International News Agency. (N.d). The Epic of Gilgamesh. (Attached material).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Freud, S. (N.d). The Oedipus Complex. (Attached material). This essay on Power Relations in Greco-Roman Myth was written and submitted by user Damarion K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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